Popular pizza eatery employee sent home with COVID19 symptoms…


NASSAU| Bahamas Press is reporting an employee at a local popular pizza eatery in eastern New Providence has been sent home and placed in quarantine after displaying dangerous symptoms of COVID19.

We have no idea if the staffer was tested. And even if the employee presented to health officials, they would be refused a COVID test.

The restaurant located on Prince Charles Drive is requesting staff from other locations to fill the void as the entire staff has been placed in quarantine! WHAT IS DIS? Has the restaurant been sanitized?

But watch this: The Church cannot have church or gather in any sanctuary because of the risks associated with COVID19. Not more than five persons can attend an outdoor funeral or wedding. But yet the pizza people could infect the world and still remain open and is not required a shutdown. Boy, yinner church people needs to wake up!

BP wonders who is monitoring and tracking all these cases? WHO WHO WHO?

We report yinner decide!