Post a job online and help someone find work…'HELP WANTED'!


rt_job_fair_081008_mnThere are many people out, and they cannot find one. They’re struggling to survive. Bahamas Press wants to help people find work. Therefore if you know of someone offering a job please post it on this website and help someone get back on their feet.
Click on the toolbar titled ‘HOT JOBS’ register and post the available position.

All post are free. Please when posting a position available, make certain a contact number, P.O.Box, or email is added for job seekers to make contacts.

Let’s help someone today on the Bahamas’ #1 website, now with over 500,000 weekly readers!

Bahamas Press/Editor


  1. BP i just checked out the list. I think it would be good if you could post the number of jobs listed next to the HOT JOBS link on the homepage that way people will see that there are actually jobs posted.

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