Power failure happens in the capital while the country wanted to watch the evening news…

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Nassau – BEC/BPL has delivered an island wide power failure Monday afternoon, and many cannot watch the news and the latest on cases like the BPL $7 million case of insider theft underway in the courts.

Additionally, it is strange how the island wide power failure coincided with the announcement of how many Bahamians were getting the separation package at BPL.

BP understands more than 300 Bahamians applied for separation at BPL, but we are not sure how many will collect out of that $20 million pot.

Well, look at it this way: no one can hear the budget debate in the Senate nor could we hear any new lie from the government.

BPL late tonight suggesting that the weather this evening around 6:30PM impacted lines which caused an interruption in supply. The entire island of New Providence went down and plunged into darkness thanks to the bribe takers.

We report yinner decide!