Priest Arraigned for Assault and a Third Murder in Nassau


brownranfurly_pmRector of St. Agnes Parish Fr. I Ranfurly Brown was arraigned for assault. Brown Pleaded NOT GUILTY! Our advise to Brown; Don’t shake Christie’s hand again. The next time it could be worst! Christie is BAD LUCK FADDA!

According to a report coming into BP a blogger said the following when a report on Bowleg’s son was posted. Bowleg’s son caused a police chased through the streets of the capital:

“BP, I want to tell you that you should go talk to Father Brown at St. Agnes and let him tell you about another sex scandal involving this same Fr. Bowleg and the daughter of an FNM Minister who was caught polishing somebody’s knob on the church property. Fr. Brown, [allegedly] according to my sources, caught the couple in the act. Both were teenagers. He gave the lil gal [allegedly] one b***** slap and the gal got her mother and Fr. Bowleg to call the police on Father Brown. Father Brown explained the situation and Bowleg still told the mother to press charges. That man is a criminal in the cloth and they should lock him and his criminal son up together. Don’t take my word for it BP, go to the source and confirm it,” The blogger wrote.

Also happening today was the report of a third murder in two days occurs in Nassau. Listen to reports below.

Click to Listen Gems News Tonight – 1

A Third Murder in 2 Days…


  1. Hey,
    Father right, i glad he slap that girl. She was out of order. Having sex ans she’s a minor. If I was her mother I was going to drop the case.

  2. Some of these young people serious you know, I still don’t understand how this little girl could decided to get her groove on at a church picnic and then want get mad with the Father after he interrupted her. Now she and her mother mad with the Father and they have him before the courts. The mother and daughter must be partners in crime. What a time, what a time!

  3. @Joe Blow
    As we say before, we expect no better from you JOE. NO better. Because we can point the word out to you. SPELL IT OUT to you and READ IT OUT TO YOU, [ALLEGEDLY] and like the Speaker of the House you will push your delusional button to act as if you know not what we talking about. So there ya have it.

    Age ain’t nutting but a number, but depending on the number one can forget their age. LOL!

    Sounds like you JOE!


  4. Media: It isn’t that you expect very little from me, its just that I expect so much more from you than you are able to give at this time!

  5. @Joe Blow
    O Joe wise one, you will NOTE we did insert the word [Allegedly] throughout that particular post. But as usual you didn’t read it, but decided to come on here with ya wise self and attack us. But you know we expect very little from you.

    Secondly, we want it to be made clear that we SUPPORT ARCHDEACON I. Ranfurly BROWN! He will be vindicated. However we still believe he should have SLAPPED the HELL out of the BOY as well!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. JR: You wrote a blog based on the story of someone who said he/she was close to a source of the story. Had you revealed the source and it was a credible person who was willng to back up your information, I would have been more inclined to believe your “blog”. But this was third hand information at best. Nor was Media willing to reveal the writer of the blog at the time of printing, prudently saving his own posterior, no doubt. In his zeal to sensationalize a story of the good Rev’s arraignment he has, in my opinion, tarnished the reputation(deserved or not) of several people, one being the Rev., himself. The issue, in all this, is the underlying need to confront the problems inherent in today’s society; some of those being sweet-hearting, promiscuity, incest
    and all of the seven deadly sins. Gossip and speculation solves nothing even when we are smart enough to use “alleged”.

  7. Joe Blow :
    Connie: How do we know what her act of disobedience was? The blogger, who was quoted by Media, alluded to that. Since he had other things wrong in his blog, why should we suppose that that part of it did indeed happen? While I do not know the players here, I believe we should all refrain from making judgement against either party. Let the law take its course.

    Tell me Mr. Joe Blow his own horn, what exactly wrong was in my post that BP quoted? BP quoted it exactly as I wrote it and I wrote it exactly as it was told to me by a source close to the incident. The gal was caught in the act, when Brown tried to talk to her, she started cussing and carrying on like he break her hustle and he slapped the little tramp silly. She got her ma and her ma brought the devil in the cloth Fr. Bowleg and despite being told the true story, Bowleg had the ma press charges to spite Fr. Brown. Where did I go wrong? Or are you also involved and have a different version?

  8. media :
    Well ronica7 this is one VICKED generation we living in today. You talk about walking on the other side the Road? Man look, these people today killing the NUNS and the Priest and out a jail! In fact the woman who killed Sister Cleare after she THIEF the church money will be out a jail in 2 years. Walking around to kill someone else!
    They passing laws today talking you-know-what about who will go to jail for publishing children online having sex (THAT’s Suppose To be For BP NOW), Whilst the minister’s son raping every lil girl and boy he could find and gets away with it. Or look at what was allowed at the EMR High School. Teacher after Teacher committing Sexual Slaughter on the children, and the criminals sent to Nassau to rape more children here. And the other allowed to skip town whilst an investigation is underway?
    RONICA7 We need CHANGE! The Bahamas need to RID THIS COUNTRY OF CHIRSTIE AND INGRAHAM FOR GOOD! YINNA HEAR ME? CHANGE in the leadership of this country what we desperately need!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Stretchy stretchy BP, you doing it again. This is about the nasty little tramp, not Perry and Hubert. I done tell you, just write an “I hate Perry” post and stop trying to connect every stupid thing that happens in this country to the man. You pushing too hard man.

  9. BP, you don’t like me that much that you would put my tip in and don’t give me credit for it? Man I told you about that one months ago and you didn’t do nothing until I.Ranfurly had to go to court. I guess you thought I was joking eh? LOL. I gotta get like you and say when I giving you the low down, take my word for it. Okay, here is the deal again for you slow pokes. The daughter of an FNM Cabinet Minister, I can’t say who yet but now that its in court, you will know soon enough, was down at the church picnic and Fr. Brown walked in on her sucking off a young man who also is a distant relative of another FNM MP. After he broke it up, Brown was so shocked at how this lil slutty gal got mad at him that he haul back and wet her one. The gal then went and got her ma and her ma gone and get Etienne Bowleg, her priest, and the two of them confront Brown. I guess the lil gal didn’t tell her ma what she was doing to catch that slap. So anyway, I heard from my well connected source that Fr. Brown spoke to Fr. Bowleg and the mother and told them what the girl was doing and because Fr. Brown and Bowleg were at odds over Fr. Bowleg trying to sue the church because of his age, Bowleg told the mother to press charges to spite Fr. Brown.

    I will say it for all to hear and read. Fr. Etienne Bowleg is a wicked wicked man for this. He lie about his age and want to stay two more years and have the bishop in court for that, his son is an attempted murder and big time crook and he condones the sexual activity of underage girls. What does that say about the man? BP, you worrying about Fr. Brown shaking Perry’s hand? You need to worry about Fr. Bowleg and how close he is to Tommy T and the FNM. Birds of a feather flock together. Now give me my props and don’t let it happen again. LOL.

  10. Trinity :Kim you are right. I did not mean it that way really. The girl is obviously active. We run from these things and pretend we dont know, but we need to face reality. Girls her age and younger are doing these things in their homes, at school, with men they meet here, there, and everywhere. All you can do is hope that you train your kids in the way they should go. Some parents encourage this. Obviously this girls parents are one of those who are okay with her being free to do what she wants. Otherwisem they would not be trying to go to court. Ièm not condoning her actions, but at least she should have did her business elsewhere!

    I see where you are coming from Trinity. The girl should have had more respect for herself at a church gathering. Don’t care how we try to hide our heads in the sand a lot of these children are sexually active. I believe her mother may have known and did nothing about it. It hurt her to see that things got so out of control with her daughter that the Father had to be the one to discipline her. That’s the same thing I keep telling parents all the time, if you don’t discipline these children while they are young, they will turn around and embarrass them. I know my mother never used to play around with us. We could have hardly opened our mouths when her friends came to visit her. Sometimes, my mom friends would ask me how I am doing, I had to look at my mother facial expressions before even open my mouth just to say, “I am doing fine”. If I ever pull a stunt like this and embarrass my mother, it would have been better for me to run away, than to go home. For some reason, that woman could of never stomach any type of embarrassment.

  11. media :I wonder if this BOY who fool with this young girl was Carl Bethel’s son again at it usual RAPING exercises. And I want know why he didn’t GET his Cowboy SLAP! More than likely he lured the young UNDERAGE GIRL to UNZIP HIS PANTS!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Media, I was wandering about the same thing. Why didn’t Father Cowboy slap both of them? That boy was just as loose as the girl.

  12. Kim you are right. I did not mean it that way really. The girl is obviously active. We run from these things and pretend we dont know, but we need to face reality. Girls her age and younger are doing these things in their homes, at school, with men they meet here, there, and everywhere. All you can do is hope that you train your kids in the way they should go. Some parents encourage this. Obviously this girls parents are one of those who are okay with her being free to do what she wants. Otherwisem they would not be trying to go to court. Ièm not condoning her actions, but at least she should have did her business elsewhere!

  13. Trinity :I think they should let Fr Brown get on with his life. Sure these people want money…everyone looking for a free ride. In this case it means putting the girl through more than she bargained for. You can imagine being remembered for being reprimanded by a priest because of the lack of decency to do it in private. Furthermore, does she want to be remembered for causing this whole situation and putting the good priest in court. We really need to do better as a nation. I hope they put all her business in the streets. Maybe she will develop some self esteem.


    Trinity, this is only a little girl, she should not have been doing what she was doing in public or private.

  14. That would have been a prelude to the beating I would have put on that disgraceful brat if she was mine. Could you imagine! Children need to be disciplined, not abused and a good cut behind aint abuse!

  15. Pressing charges against a Rev for disciplining a child? What happened to “It takes a village to raise a child”?

  16. A 15 yr old gal gives another teenager a bj on church grounds, gets caught and now the mother of the little slut in training pressing charges? WTF? The lil gal just like her ma, aint gat no shame…If that was my daughter she would still be getting beating right now for shaming me like that.

  17. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. I would truly be hurt if I gave a rats a** what you thought. Seems like what I said struck a raw nerve with you hey? Well muddos, you run off on a rant just like a little p*ss tail bit*h, home girl is your family hey.

    ps. If it was possible to press charges against somebody you perceived as being an idiot, you my friend would have swung from the gallows ages ago.

  18. I do not think the queens college incident warranted his resignation inasmuch as the latter. But you are correct we have a slack society from the top to the bottom.

    You know my pet peeve about this country poorly run, slow,and inefficent.

  19. @ronica7
    Yes I agree with you Ronica7, but when you gat SLACK leadership, then you culture a SLACK society. You think Carl Bethel should be sitting up in the Cabinet when you hear what gone down in Queen’s College and you see the Ministry of Education pay a teacher under investigation allowed to escape?

    Listen when we have leaders who RAISE the standard and clamp down on Corruption, we would have a better society.

  20. Christie and Ingraham is not the problem . The problem is slack women who allow multiple boyfriends in the house who sleep out,their children see them come home in the morning. Who encourage their daughters to believe that their “poongtang ” is the passport to riches.

    Our men who give thier sons a guiness to drink at age ten, and carry them on dowdeswell street at age fourteen to get “break in. Blame the fathers who tell their sons in front of women “bey i did wan some a dat’

    Blame the parents who sit at home and watch anything on television with their children. Blame the parent who goes to school to cuss out the teacher, blame the parent whothink their child is their best friend,
    yes media, slack homes is the problem charity begins at home and ends abroad, as go the home so goes the nation.

  21. I wonder if this BOY who fool with this young girl was Carl Bethel’s son again at it usual RAPING exercises. And I want know why he didn’t GET his Cowboy SLAP! More than likely he lured the young UNDERAGE GIRL to UNZIP HIS PANTS!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  22. I think they should let Fr Brown get on with his life. Sure these people want money…everyone looking for a free ride. In this case it means putting the girl through more than she bargained for. You can imagine being remembered for being reprimanded by a priest because of the lack of decency to do it in private. Furthermore, does she want to be remembered for causing this whole situation and putting the good priest in court. We really need to do better as a nation. I hope they put all her business in the streets. Maybe she will develop some self esteem.

  23. @ronica7
    Well ronica7 this is one VICKED generation we living in today. You talk about walking on the other side the Road? Man look, these people today killing the NUNS and the Priest and out a jail! In fact the woman who killed Sister Cleare after she THIEF the church money will be out a jail in 2 years. Walking around to kill someone else!

    They passing laws today talking you-know-what about who will go to jail for publishing children online having sex (THAT’s Suppose To be For BP NOW), Whilst the minister’s son raping every lil girl and boy he could find and gets away with it. Or look at what was allowed at the EMR High School. Teacher after Teacher committing Sexual Slaughter on the children, and the criminals sent to Nassau to rape more children here. And the other allowed to skip town whilst an investigation is underway?

    RONICA7 We need CHANGE! The Bahamas need to RID THIS COUNTRY OF CHIRSTIE AND INGRAHAM FOR GOOD! YINNA HEAR ME? CHANGE in the leadership of this country what we desperately need!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  24. I don’t get as to why the girl’s family would want to press charges and really make this thing more public than it already is. I have a relative who goes to the same high school as this girl and she already has a reputation now as being ‘slack’ just imagine after this is all over. She will probably become an even more ‘slack’ girl, because details of the case will be made public and what was happening on the beach will be printed very clearly for everyone to read. Every boy is gonna want to have sex with her now that they know she ‘slack’ but they sure as hell wouldn’t want to be her boyfriend or any type of relationsip with a girl who am sure is being called a ‘hoe’ now by her peers. Sames like by pressing charges against Father Brown they are embarassing their own daughter more than they are punishing Father Brown, the only sense I can get from all of this is that they are planning a civil suit and want $$$ from all of this.

  25. When i was growing up i was ashamed to watch someone kiss on television in front of my mother. While i do not know the facts of this incident, it
    shows the malaise in our society, when teahers cannot discipline students, and where children have no respect for the priest.

    As a little girl growing up in the late sixties early seventies, when we saw the nuns walking in the streets we went on the other side. Out of fear, and reverence

  26. @Joe Blow
    Although you are right in you assertion we are not the judge and jury or legal advisors, like with every other story on BP we can only give or comments on what is written or if we personally know different. I am going by what the blogger said in respect to my post. The thing is Joe certain things such as this should be things that we the people voice our opinions on, this is one of the instances where our apathy has come into place. the law should not have come into play in the first place, the mother should have thanked Father Brown but how much are you willing to wager the the mother is not much older than the child.

  27. Trinity, I prefer that you pray for our country and its leaders because nothing that I write here is worth a spoon of spit in the real world.

  28. If I am right, there will be an inquiry before a Magistrate, at which time the charges will be dismissed, as they should be.

  29. Connie: How do we know what her act of disobedience was? The blogger, who was quoted by Media, alluded to that. Since he had other things wrong in his blog, why should we suppose that that part of it did indeed happen? While I do not know the players here, I believe we should all refrain from making judgement against either party. Let the law take its course.

  30. @Alison
    I thought someone would actually say what you said because illicit behaviour in the Bahamas is now apart of the culture just like Junkanoo and Peas n Rice. When a 15 year old can perform fellatio and not deserve punishment along with a good talking too and too hours worth of STD pictures then I do not know how much further down when can go because we have hit bottom.

  31. Father BROWN is still the most down to earth Father that I know the Anglican system has in the Bahamas.

  32. This girl is a minor and she should have not been engaging in any sexual activity, much less at a church event. I could understand why Father Brown may have slapped this little girl. I guess she must have caught him totally off guard, just to see how bold she was. He probably was not thinking straight at the time and his first thought was to slap the demons out of her. While, I don’t justified child abuse, I don’t think the girl‘s mother should of brought charges against the Father. I know if it was me, I would have been too embarrassed.

  33. What does it say about a person as a parent if he or she would go to this extent to punish Fr Brown after he did what he thought was right. Some parents need to be slapped! The state the Bahamas is in is greatly influenced by the foundation of the family. Some parents know just what their children are up to. If they dont care, then why should we. I guess we can look at it that way. At the same time, these same awful parents are spawning the people that break into our homes while we are at work. These same undisciplined children are on the street corners, some selling dope, others their bodies. These same children are the ones having babies before their time. Its no wonder that juvenile delinquency is so high. What do you expect. That young girl was out of order. She was amongst church people for goodness sake. She deserved to be reprimanded for her actions. If her parents werent around to do it, then why not! Some parents are around and dont see anything wrong with it. We are raising a generation of delinquents and Fr Brown didnt let it happen under his watch. Good! We need more people like that. Maybe it will save us along the way.

  34. wow, do not be silly, hear? WTF someone pressing charges or not pressing charges have to do with the FNM government? So the young men who will be charged for the recent murders over the holiday are PLP too eh? I should press charges against you for being an idiot, and embarrassing your parents and former teachers…

  35. My understanding is the beach incident did in fact happen and the girl was slapped after she physically attacked Father Brown when he scolded her. I also understand the Fr. Bowleg was instrumental in having him charge. Now we see what has since happen with Fr. Bowlegs soon so it is no surprise that he can condone this young girls actions.

    What is funny is that a couple of weeks ago at Joe Pratt’s public service at Gambier House, Fr. Brown was present and was recognized for his support of the PLP. The following week he was hauled before the courts to be charged for this incident that happened last year. My lord even men of the cloth who support the PLP are not safe from this cruel, heartless, wutless, victimizing FNM government!

  36. In the 50s and 60s whenevr children were found wanting adults were empowered to mete out punishment.The person being punished would only pray that the disciplinarian could satisfy their parents that sufficient discipline was enforced thus disallowing a second whipping by parents or guardians.From what I heard of this incident the young lady upon being caught in a compromising position slapped the piss out of the good Reverend who had to defend himself before the young lady raggied him.I have known the Reverend all of my life and he is not one to back down especially since he is from Bains Town.The Minister of National Security is caught between a rock and a hard place for fear of being accused of nepotism.Damn if he did and damned if he didn,t.It is rare for one to be a part of a system that persecutes your UNCLE so I have sympathy for Tpmmy.

  37. @Thomas Finley
    Finley let me say here now you have mention it that I too asked the question, How could the girl get a horse slap and the boy get away?

    Fr. Brown however unlike Carl Bethel imposed ‘COTTON TREE JUSTICE’. He advised police of what took place, But Brown is still arrested. But in the other case Carl Bethel, the leadership at the once prestigious Queen College and others assisted in covering up the crime. That is what I call hypocrisy!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  38. You people are something else: the same thing happened to Carl Bethell’s son, but the girl in that other case was protected and coddled, but because a good PLP is involved under similar circumstances, this time, off with the girl’s head! Hypocrites.

  39. Just thinking,if her mother called the police because the priest disciplined the child, imagine the child’s reaction to being caught. Could be she insulted the arrested priest. We already have the word that she has a nasty mouth.
    “Church and states turn friends, false information they defend, backdoor deals are a common event” sings the Bahamian singer/songwriter Avaran. With the arrest of this priest, the devious nature of both institutions are exposed like a stinking carcass laying next to dry bones. Both dead but sending messages and emitting a foul odor.

  40. I am confused! The incident was reported to have happened at the beach, at a church picnic. The young lady in question was not acting in a manner consistant with the decorum expected at such an event. The Rev. allegedly slapped the young person. Was there a second incident? Are we to take what the blogger said as “gospel”? Are these cases in any way related? Why does Tucker bring a political aspect into it. “Violence begets violence”. Does being a man of the “Cloth” give one license to assault another human being? In this day and age, we call such a thing child abuse.

  41. If the story is true I agree with Father Brown’s actions and if I were the judge I would throw the case out. This is the same Father Bowleg whose son was involved in the police chase and shoot out the other day talking about pressing charges. What would you have done if you found some 15 year old girl performing those types of acts in the church yard. We need more concerned people like Father Brown because someone else would have walked on by and let them do what they were doing. That young lady was doing something that she should be punished for and if her mother is pressing charges against Father Brown then obviously she was not going to chastize the girl. Father Bowleg need to check his own family.

    “Is the root cause for juvenile delinquency adult delinquency? Do we adults set the right model roles for our children to follow? We want them to be happy, responsible and emotionally stable, but how can they be if we communicate selfishness, violence, and irresponsibility everyday?” -Sir Lynden Pindling 1981

  42. It appears that if you have any, even the slightest partisanship with the PLP your ass is grass under this Roland Symonette mob style FNM administration.
    While the anglican top brass leaders meet every week to determine how their denomination will keep a grip on Government control, oh Bahamians didn’t know that Anglicans occupy over 95% of the top Government posittions throughout the entire hierchy, they will bring anyone to their knees even their own if he/she has any ties with Perry Christie. and the PLP.
    Baptist will get a piece of the pie like the Commissioner of Police but the largest slice of the pie in terms of Government control belongs to Anglicans.
    Father Brown while I am a PLP too, I wish you no luck. Your own people did this to you because you are a friend of Christie.

  43. Man oh Man. This is hot stuff. I lil confused though. Who got caught polishing the church door knob? Was it Father Bowleg and someone or was it the gal Ranfurly slap and someone else.

    If he was disciplining the girl for disrespecting herself and being slack, then I dont see why he is being hauled before the courts.

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