A new 700-bed high medium security prison plans are underway…

NASSAU| Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis Q,C. joined leaders at the Department of Corrections as the prison service launched an Empowerment Seminar.
Sharing thoughts with participants, PM Davis reminded officers that they are here to effect change in the lives of inmates.
The Prime Minister said, “While the idea of ‘successful re-integration’ may differ from person to person, certain generalisations hold true. We want our inmates to leave here with a clear moral sense: to be certain of the difference between right and wrong, and to be certain of the advantages of behaving lawfully as opposed to unlawfully.
“We want our inmates to leave better educated than when they arrived, because, as I said at the beginning, we know that education is the most powerful tool available to help them achieve their full potential.”
PM Davis added, “We also want them to develop the values and behaviours that contribute to what we understand as ‘good character’: a commitment to being honest and truthful; the ability to work hard and accept fair reward; to be able to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence; and suffused with the desire to pursue healthy, caring, mutually beneficial relationships with all those around them.”
The PM added that plans are already underway to improve your working conditions, and the surroundings of this institution.
“Not one single person in this community, whether officer, staff or inmate, is uplifted by being required to live or work in conditions which do not have regard to your fundamental humanity.
“We want to create spaces which conform to the best international practice for incarceration, rather than be counted among the worst.”
Meanwhile National Security Minister Wayne Munroe says plans are underway for a 700-bed high medium security prison with more technology to deter the increase of circulated contrabands. Munroe said the budget for the prison is between $40-$45 million.