Prime Minister Davis set to advance the name of the country’s 10th Bahamian Governor-General 


SUNDAY SPECIAL: Rt. Hon. Perry Christie or Bishop Neil Clarence Ellis could become Governor-General of the Bahamas in the 50th Year of Independence!

NASSAU| Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis KC MP is set to advance the name of the country’s next Governor-General and, from what we know, the new GG could be in place by July 10th, 2023.

The country is celebrating its 50th year of Independence this year and the talk around the city is that the NEW GG must be an individual who was strongly a believer and supporter of the Independence movement. 

Davis, being a kind a decent soul, agreed to allow current GG Smith to stay in the role as crisis after crisis had engulfed the country prior to the 2021 General Elections. Decent Davis did not push out the GG like past leaders and has proven that he is a comfortable unifier for the Bahamas. This is good. 

That said, BP understands a process is already well advanced for the new Governor-General. We know the names of those who have been proposed, one of whom will assume the top post in the country. 

Rev’d Cynthia Mother Pratt, Rt. Rev’d Drexel Wellington Gomez, Bishop Neil Clarence Ellis, and Rev. Rubyann Cooper Darling are all on a short list of the PM to advance to King Charles III to become the head of his government in the Bahamas. King Charles will be crowned this coming May 6th, 2023, which is when some believe Prime Minister Davis will get an audience on the appointment of the new GG. 

King Charles and Queen Consort Camila may be headed to the Bahamas, a trip that will coincide with the nation’s 50th anniversary.  Fifty years ago, then-Prince Charles delivered the Instruments of Independence on behalf of his late mother Queen Elizabeth II.

The newly renovated Government House is already prepared for such a grand royal reception. But who will become the new GG?

Serious discussions are also being whispered that possibly a DARK HORSE could join that short list of potential Governors-General.

Bahamas Press has learned forces deep inside the party and around the country are sounding whispers that former Prime Minister Perry Gladstone Christie could be announced. 

BP has learned Christie’s main campaigner for the top job is former Prime Minister Hubert Alexander Ingraham. The pair was spotted campaigning on the idea even with the delegates at the recent CARICOM Meeting. 

Whoever the choice of Prime Minister Davis, we at Bahamas Press will support them as the next Governor-General. Whether Perry Christie, Rev’d Cynthia Mother Pratt, Rt. Rev’d Drexel Wellington Gomez, Bishop Neil Clarence Ellis, or Rev. Rubyann Cooper Darling, we will lend our support as we did for Dame Marguerite. What we, however, cannot accept is any extension of the current GG throughout the 50th year of Independence. 

May the GOD of Grace and Mercy lead Prime Minister Davis to the right decision is our prayer.

We report yinner decide!