Prime Minister Ingraham attends Waugh Construction 45th Anniversary event

Freeport, Grand Bahama - Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham is pictured (centre) at the 45th anniversary of Waugh Construction Bahamas Ltd., and the official opening of its new corporate office on Saturday, November 20, 2010 in Freeport. Pictured left of Mr. Ingraham is Pineridge MP Kwasi Thompson, and pictured right is Harold "Sonny" Waugh, president of Waugh Construction. Also pictured are executives of Waugh Construction from left, Brian Waugh, and Godfrey Waugh.


  1. Harold “Sonny” Waugh is a genleman’s gentleman. I recall when I applied for a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship, my first application was “scuttled” by some within the Rotary organization who did not want me to received the scholarship. “Sonny” was very upset when my application did not surface. The following year (2002) “Sonny” requested that I re-submit my appication and give to him. “Sonny” took the application and personally walked it through the process. I was invited to Florida for the interview, and I was awarded the scholarship. Even after winning the scholarship, there were those in Rotary who tried their best to speak ill of me, to the extent, that there were those in Florida who bought into the lies and tried to give me a hard time, but “Sonny,” God bless him, supported me 100% against all of the odds. He even went so far as to put his hands in his pocket to pay some of the expenses that I had incurred. I went on to pursue studies in Public Administration and Planning and Economic Development, and completed my M.P.A. in the top 20% of the class. The degree that I earned, in part, belongs to Harold “Sonny” Waugh. In 1999 when I was unfairly interdicted by the Public Service, “Sonny” once again came to my aid. Even though his wife (Alice) had died, “Sonny” wrote a letter to the Prime Minister in my defence. Even when this man should have been mourning the passing of his wife, he took time out to come to my aid. Indeed, “Sonny” is a decent and compassionate human being. On the occasion of the celebration of the 45th year anniversary and the opening of Waugh Constuction Corporate Office, I salute Harod “Sonny” Waugh true friend and compatriot. We need more Bahamians like him and maybe this Bahamas will be a better place.

  2. Congratulations to Harold Waugh and his Company of the historic milestone. Few would believe that the company started from the back of a pick-up, selling diesel fuel!

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