Prime Minister Ingraham walks for Independence


pmwalkPrime Minister, the Rt. Hon Hubert A Ingraham joined Cabinet Ministers the Hon. Hubert A Minnis (Health) and Senator Dion Foulkes (Labor) in a brisk Independence walk.

Pictured from left are D’Andrea MCclure, Police Cadet; Lynell Thurston, Police Cadet; Dr. Hubert Minnis, Minister of Health; Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham; H. Campbell Cleare, Attorney; Azaria Clare, Miss Global Bahamas; Senator Dion Foulkes, Minister of Labour and Social Development, and his son, Dion William. Photo by Marcus MCclure, Police Cadet.


  1. If Hubert Ingraham would go back into retirement he would have plenty time to take care of his health and he should have plenty time on his hands to go walking everyday, but he can’t see that he too busy trying to maintain power.

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