Prime Minister inspects Grand Bahama cleanup programme


obbpm_westend_adderleyfoulkesProject supervisor and West End native Charles Adderley, centre, outlines to Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham the progress of the Bahamas Government and the GINN West End Foundation’s conch shell cleanup and shoreline rehabilitation programme as Labour and Social Development Minister the Hon. Dion Foulkes looks on, on Sunday, May 31, 2009. (BIS Photo/Sharon Turner)

WEST END, Grand Bahama – Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham said Sunday that he was impressed with the progress of an ongoing conch shell cleanup programme in West End; a joint venture initiative of the Government of The Bahamas and the GINN West End Foundation designed to rehabilitate and beautify the area’s shoreline.

“I was impressed by what is being done in the West End community in cleaning up the seafront and seeking to make the community a more attractive place,” Mr. Ingraham said.

After observing the work being carried out at the cleanup site, the Prime Minister along with several Cabinet Ministers toured the GINN development, viewing the progress of the development’s golf course and its basic infrastructure.

The mass accumulation of conch shells along the West End shoreline has been a longstanding issue for residents. The two-week scheduled cleanup programme began May 25 under the supervision of contractor and West End native Charles Adderley.

Back on May 8, Environment Minister the Hon. Earl Deveaux traveled to Grand Bahama and met with the West End Local Government District Council to set out a timetable for the programme. A town meeting was held the following day to discuss the plan.


  1. Congratulations to project supervisor Charles Adderley and to the joint venture people (Gov. and Ginn Co.) who worked together on the cleanup program. Participatory action by all segments of society is what we should be about. Accentuate the Positive! Praises when due!

  2. john :
    The whole cabinet one up to West End for Kay Smith party last Saturday. they use that opportunity for this photo op.

    john :
    I mean gone up.

    That’s the way they go, always looking for a chance to seize an opportunity.

  3. The whole cabinet one up to West End for Kay Smith party last Saturday. they use that opportunity for this photo op.

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