Prime Minister misled PARLIAMENT? Did Dr. Minnis LIE TO THE NATION?


Nassau – The Prime Minister tabled in the House a signed Oban Energies Heads of Agreement reportedly signed by Satpal Dhunna dated February 19th, 2018. However, today [March 20th] the PM communicated to the Lower House that Dhunna left the Bahamas on Feb. 10th as he had other engagements. The PM never said the signing was a ceremonial signing, nor that Mr. Peter Kreiger was signing on behalf of another individual. We learned that later, thanks to the press.

But who remembers how on MARCH 6th, 2018, in a published advertisement in the dailies, Satpal Dhunna told the country how HE WAS ON THE GROUND IN THE BAHAMAS FOR OBAN….?The facts now are that Dhunna was NOT IN THE BAHAMAS on the date of the sign agreement nor was he here when he said he was. And we at BP believe he has never been here. We believe he has no Immigration entry form or stamp. We believe he has never met the Prime Minister.

And we know Satpal Dhunna does not exist!And someone please tell us: Why did Peter Kreiger resign from Oban Energies on March 1st if he did nothing wrong?

We report yinner decide!

Signing the Bahamas Government/Oban Energies Heads of Agreement – Camille Johnson, Secretary to the Cabinet, on behalf of the Bahamas Government, and Peter Krieger (right) of Oban Energies at the Office of the Prime Minister, February 19, 2018. Prime Minister, Dr. the Hon. Hubert Minnis is pictured, centre; Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance the Hon. Peter Turnquest, second left; and Minister of State for Grand Bahama in the Office of the Prime Minister, Senator the Hon. Kwasi Thompson, left. (BIS Photo/Peter Ramsay)