Prolific shooter known to police Omar Bulter aka Smokey has been murdered in Ridgeland Park tonight….Homicide #88


Eight bloody homicide in the past 13 days – YET THE CRY IS THAT CRIME IS DOWN AND WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR! Prove it that we are really safer!

Omar Butler aka Smokey is the 88th homicide victim tonight!

Nassau – Bahamas Press has joined police in the Ridgeland Park community where we can confirm there has been a triple shooting in the there.

One of the victims has been confirmed dead while two others are left clinging to life.

The country’s 88th homicide victim has been recorded as Omar Butler aka Smokey. He was known to police and was, back in December 2002, one of the suspects in the home invasion, hold-up murder of Jean Claude Louissaint.

Back in 2012 Smokey was wanted again in connection with a shooting incident that occurred at Collection and Roland Streets, Ridgeland Park West.

We can tell you armed men with high-powered war-like weapons [AK-47] opened fire on Butler killing him on the spot while hitting two others.

The triple shooting took place just near Christ The King Anglican Church in that area.

We report yinner decide!