PTA President Call on All Bahamas To HELP! AG Office Gone Quiet!


troy-garvey<<< Eight Mile Rock PTA president Troy Garvey.


FROM TROY GARVEY /Sunday, 24th May, 2009

“To all my friends, please help in making sure that ANDRE BIRBAL is extradited to the Bahamas to face his charges.It seems to me that their is a loop hole being created for him not to arrive here.I tried contacting Mr.Bernard Turner @ the AG’S office in Nassau and he never returned or accepted my calls. Please Grand Bahamians and all Bahamians, don’t allow this to happen! He has committed horrific crimes against our children!!!!!!!

I will be sorting a demonstration if I get no communications from the AG’S office in Nassau.

I request of you in this matter in the name of JUSTICE!

I beg all of you’ll to pass this info around in order that he is brought back and face his charges.

Thanking You in advance for your cooperation.

Troy Garvey
PTA President,
Blue Collar Consultants (BCC)



  1. Thanks Media, I really don’t know how I manage to leave out Belinda Wilson of all people. I guess she is just so useless; she is not even worth mentioning.

  2. Mr. Garvey did you make any progress with the AG office today? Please keep us informed on this, because I need to know if I need to start designing my child abuse poster to march with you. It look like since Birbal got caught everybody same to lost their voice. I have not heard anything from the Prime Minister, Minister of Education, The Opposition, The Christian Counsel, Loretta Butler-Turner, Tommy Turnquest or Dr. Sandra Dean-Patterson. I am just so disappointed with all of these people, but I am more disappointed with our Prime Minister. He look like ran for office, but he is still in retirement mode. The country appears to be running itself.

    • Kim you can add to that list Berlinda Wilson, the Teachers UNION President and The Grand Bahama Christian Council. Who were these persons protecting? Andre Birbal and his clandestine pedophile lovers? It took them both 7 months before they said a single word. MY LORD!!!!!!!!!!!! The children of this country deserves better leadership! WHAT WICKEDNESS THERE LAY IN THIS COUNTRY!

      Had Troy Garvey not speak on behalf of these abused children, today it would be BUSINESS AS USUAL at the EMRH school. We cry SHAME ON Berlinda WILSON and The Grand Bahama Branch of the Christian Council! And our questions to them both are these, “WHY did it take you 7 months to speak to the issue? WHY DID YOU BOTH REFUSED TO SPEAKUP FOR THE CHILDREN? WHY WERE YOU BOTH PROTECTING ANDRE BIRBAL AND HIS CLANDESTINE PEDOPHILE LOVERS!?

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  3. Are most of our Leaders walking around as zombies?Kids get abused and the representative for EMR says nothing then opposes a select committee.The christian council silence is deafening but they want to profile on the numbers racket fiasco.Too many persons in our country are self serving.Since many in the Bahamian community were silent on this issue they shouild remain mute and not offer for public office.Garvey keep up the pressure as you have succeeded where many others have failed in protecting our children.My good friend Butler-Turner am ashamed of you for not getting involved on this issue.Your grandfather would be ashamed of you.All sex deviants be warned we coming.

  4. Like I said earlier Mr. Garvey, I have never experienced anything like this before in my life time, where children can be raped and the government would act as if they could careless. Right now, this whole thing has me so puzzled.

  5. The Convention guarantees children the following Rights
    Whenever adults make a decision that will affect you in any way, you have the right to give your opinion, and you have a right to be taken seriously.

    You should not be hurt in any way. Adults should make sure that you are protected from abuse, violence and neglect. Even your parents have no right to hurt you.
    You have the right to be protected from sexual abuse. This means that nobody can do anything to a your body that you don’t want them to do, such as touching, taking pictures, or saying things that you don’t want to say.

    Convention on the Rights of the Child, 20 November 1989.
    Signature 30.10.1990.
    Ratification / Accession 20.02.1991.
    Reservation / Declaration 20.02.1991.

    There you have it! Lets protect our children!!

  6. I dont understand how and why is this being so undercover or DO i?
    The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, having ratified the Convention, is obligated under Article 19 to ensure the protection of children from all forms of maltreatment by parents or caretakers. The Bahamas is also obligated to establish appropriate social programmes for the prevention of abuse and the treatment of victims, and under Article 34, to protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse, prostitution and pornography.
    So can someone please tell me is there people out there protecting Birbal?