Public Ambulance used at Prom??? WHAT IN DA HELL?!


The “D” Average [‘DUMB-ness’] in high places at WORK breaking down the country!! FOLLOW BP ON WHAT’sAPP with breaking reports at 4332667

Look what they are doing with YOUR MONEY at the PHA.
Look what they are doing with YOUR MONEY at the PHA.

11137116_10154009089603712_3975778627806294001_nNassau, Bahamas – When Hubert Ingraham was fired as Prime Minister the PHA had one ambulance operational on New Providence.

Now that Prime Minister Christie’s Government has brought a new fleet of ambulances look at the S^#@ the PHA is doing with the people’s resources!

Girl plays dead while her Prince Charming gives her a kiss and she raise from the dead! WHAT IN DA HELL?! Look what the PHA is doing with the emergency assets!

And while the sick, lame and seriously injured lay in the street; bleeding into the ground look at the JACKASSNESS some people are doing at the PHA. We hope someone is fired IMMEDIATELY!

We will watch and see how this is played out!

We report yinner decide!




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    #Tribune Staff Reporter

    #THE Public Hospitals Authority yesterday condemned the use of a government ambulance by a teenage girl for her prom entrance in Abaco last Friday.

    #The Tribune understands that one of the employees involved in the incident has already been suspended.

    #In a statement, the Public Hospital Authority (PHA) said it is “despicable” that an ambulance under the management of the Authority was used in the execution of a prom. The PHA added that “disciplinary action” has been taken, and more action may be taken after the conclusion of an investigation.

    #The statement came two days after photographs were posted on social media, showing the teen girl dressed all in white, arriving at a prom in Marsh Harbour in the ambulance. The girl, who pretended to be unconscious, was then carried out of the ambulance on a stretcher by what appears to be Emergency Services Personnel.

    #Her date, dressed as “Prince Charming, then kissed her and brought her back to life, according to reports.

    #“The Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) finds it despicable that an ambulance under the management of the Authority was used in the execution of a prom event in Marsh Harbour, Abaco at the weekend. The use of the ambulance is in direct contravention of the rules regarding the dispatching and use of emergency vehicles which should be dispatched solely for the purpose of medical transport,” the statement said.

    #“All EMTs and ambulance drivers are well aware of the rules that govern the engagement of emergency vehicles. The Public Hospitals Authority has undertaken disciplinary action regarding the incident and further action may result following the conclusion of an investigation.”

    #The photos, which were shared more than 200 times on Facebook, received mixed reaction from the public.

    #One person said: “What about the actual persons that needed the service of this ambulance? I’m all for creativity and pushing the envelope, but certain resources are scarce and shouldn’t be used frivolously. Sorry, I don’t support the use of emergency vehicles for prom entries. Not when it is quite difficult to get a prompt response during an emergency.”

    #Another person said: “It doesn’t matter which island this is. An ambulance is for emergency purposes only. An ambulance is bought with our money because we pay taxes so we have a right to voice our opinions. Clear and simple, someone should be held accountable for this irresponsible act.”

    #However, some persons defended the action, claiming that the teen girl was salutatorian of her graduation class and also received a full scholarship to attend the College of the Bahamas.

    #“That was out of the box. People always have something negative to say. While you guys are making noise she graduated top of her class as the salutatorian, so her education will speak for (itself), you guys’ negative comments don’t move her,” one supporter wrote.

    #Another said: “She was Teacher Cadet of the year, she went up against students for the entire Bahamas, and got (a) full scholarship to the College of The Bahamas. She wanted something different so why are you making noise?

    #“The prime minister should have driven her to prom if you ask me. And this ambulance doesn’t move anyway, so if anything, that little drive to prom lessens the likelihood of that ambulance’s gears locking up when or if it ever moves to save a life.”

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