Public Service Commission member Newton McDonald passes…

Mr Newton McDonald

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is reporting tonight on the passing of Public Service Commission board member Mr. Newton McDonald.

Mr McDoanld was a passionate believer in the development of the Family Islands. He began a career in education and offered his extended service in the Royal Bahamas Police Force. He also served as an Assistant Family Island Commissioner; serving in local government as Chief Out Island Commissioner into his retirement.

In his later years, he went on to further educate himself as a lawyer studying at the University of Buckingham after which he was called to the Bahamas Bar at the age of 64. He was appointed to the Public Service Commission in November 2022 by the Davis Government; delivering experience to support the mission and vision of an enhanced public service.

Tonight as we pray for his soul we offer our prayers to his family on his passing in this most difficult time.

May he rest in peace.