Religious Minister and his wife set for divorce and a local pastor could be named in the divorce

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NASSAU| Well, the heat is on deep inside a local church in New Providence following a big marriage breakup where the pastor could be named in court documents. 

Latest information now coming into BP is that the religious minister has left the congregation and has since returned to his traditional church of christening. 

This week the pastor at the centre of the breakup addressed the matter during the live church service, expressing that he has forgiven the minister and calling him his brother. But it is about to get worse!

BP is learning the couple has separated with the wife ordering her minister husband to leave the marital home. 

BP understands the wife was a special friend of the pastor back in the day before the minister found attraction in her. It was after the minister found out about that special relationship that things went south in the marriage. 

We understand divorce filings are coming and, from the looks of things, the pastor could be named in the divorce papers. 

The Minister knows plenty of things about the pastor which could all be laid open for the world to see in court documents.

We at Bahamas Press will be following these developments closely and, from the looks of things, all is not well deep inside the new church. 

We report yinner decide!