Renew Bahamas gives 6pm Jan. 20th fire update at Harold Road Landfill


A photo of the landfill fire, taken on Sunday January 18th by Frangipani Photography

NASSAU, The Bahamas (Jan 20, 2015) Renew Bahamas has managed to extinguish the vast majority of the small pockets of fire still burning at the Harold Road Landfill site. The company has also extended the firebreak road, increasing its ability to access the full width of the landfill. Additionally an increased number of water trucks and mobile plant are now placing wetted fill over the existing surface and compacting it to form a capping layer.

Efforts were strengthened this afternoon by the on-going assistance of a fire truck and crew from The Fire Services Branch of the Royal Bahamas Police Force, to help with fire and smoke suppression activities.

Some of the smoke has already been reduced, but requires continued monitoring for changes in wind direction.

Residents in the surrounding communities can expect the site to continue to smoke during the next several days.

The first fire was started shortly before 11 p.m. Saturday, on the northern side of the property, which the company is continuing to tackle. Shortly after, another fire started up in a completely separate part of the site (on the eastern boundary), which has now been fully extinguished.

Based on evidence of various attempted burn sites, the company believes these incidents represent a concentrated arson attack on the site and facilities. Renew Bahamas will continue to pursue its investigations in conjunction with Government officials to try and identify the culprits involved.

Despite this setback, daily operations at the landfill site continued as normal.The company will continue to post updates regarding its progress in dealing with the fire.

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VAT PSA 14 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.

PSA 18 from King Of Hearts Media on Vimeo.