NASSAU | PM Minnis is having a hard time deciding who he will appoint the Minister of Health next week.
Word now is there’s a shortlist and the current Minister for Transport and House Government Leader Renward Wells could become the country’s Health Minister.
PM Minnis promised to appoint a new Minister to the post after he accepted the resignation of former Minister Duane Sands. Sources close to the Cabinet tell us Wells could be the new appointee.
If the PM makes the decision to appoint Wells, he will need a new Transport Minister and sources tell us the juvenile who is running Water and Sewerage into the ground, Adrian Gibson, could be coming into the Cabinet.
Now if PM Minnis was to make this move, it would mean he has heard the cries of the people of Abaco who have not had water and light for months, something BP warned will be detrimental to the Minnis Government!
The juvenile has run WSC into the ground with the finance departments having no Internal Control and Compliance Executive, No Credit and Collections Manager, and No Chief Financial Officer looking deep into the books and watching where the money goes! The positions have been advertised for months with no hires yet months after being publicized!
BP asked the question weeks ago if WSC had funded groceries into Long Island a few weeks ago. We have had no response! Well, call the police!
We report yinner decide!