NASSAU| Yall really needed to see this: You see…I recalled when Renward Wells was a PLP backbencher and Hubert Minnis was Leader of the Opposition.
When Wells attacked the FNM Minnis would respond calling Wells “Einstein” [know everything]. And that sour relationship erupted when Minnis called for Wells to resign for corruption in the Letter of Intent Scandal.
But Thursday was a different day in the Cathedral of St. Francis as PM Minnis presented his soon to be ACTING PM to Fr. Glen Nixon.
PM Most Honourable Ever walked into the Cathedral with “Einstein” and left the church with “Einstein” at his side as they shuttled the PM to the Airport.
All the failed Cabinet Ministers like Marvin Dames and Duane Sands sat in their pew as the “Power Couple” left the church. Renward Wells is indeed the “Einstein” of the Bahamas!
We report yinner decide!