Renward Wells set to be announced as the new Minister for Works in major Cabinet shakeup…


Minister Renward “FIRE BAHAMIANS” Wells gives order to fire Bahamians!

Nassau – Renward Wells will be announced as the country’s new Minister for Works, Bahamas Press can now report, in what is being described a “major shakeup” inside the Minnis Government.

BP can report that adjustments have been finalized. We know it is a major promotion for Wells, who is also the Leader of Government Business.

We are still not sure where current Minister for Works will be reassigned, or if, indeed, he will continue as a Cabinet Minister. Some sources suggest Minister Desmond Bannister has become one of the inner counsels of Dr. Minnis, which may return him as Attorney General of the Bahamas. We shall see as the weekend progress.

The media, though, are asleep on these changes. They, in fact, cannot even get questions on the Budget in with the PM. We think they are satisfied with their treatment.

Meanwhile, a new breaking report is coming on more changes inside the government. Stand by…

We report yinner decide!