Residents failed to show up at Dionisio D’Aguilar Town Meeting…Which suppose to be an FNM branch meeting…


Government using government department officials to speak to their branch meetings…Community still ain’t interested!

Residents of Freetown at a shabby poorly attended Town Meeting for the area. Not even angry constituency branch members showed up.

NASSAU, The Bahamas — The Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture (MOYSC) held a Community Meeting in the Freetown Constituency, on April 12, 2018, at the Cornerstone Zion Church International, Kemp Road tonight.

(MOYSC) representative Henry Higgins conducted the event, and Minister of Tourism and Aviation and Member of Parliament for Freetown the Hon. Dionisio D’Aguilar gave an informal report on the work his area office has done in supporting various activities and initiatives in the community.

Among the items raised for discussion amongst the community leaders and stakeholders present were programmes and events happening in the community, concerns and issues, and plans for the upcoming Youth Outreach and Culture in the Park in that constituency.