Rich residents gets kicked out of their $2million Lyford Cay home as tough times sets in!


Lyford Cay

Nassau – BP is learning tonight Yuri and Irina Starostenko now former residents on Clifton Bay Drive in Lyford Cay have been kicked out of their Two Million Dollar home behind the plush gates.

The news confirms that things are really getting bad and under the Minnis Government even the rich are beginning to catch hell.

Yuri Starostenko was a coal-mining engineer and inventor of Siberia, Russia who fell in love with the Bahamas. He and his family moved to Lyford Cay as tax-exiles in 2008 with the blessing of the Ingraham Government. The couple has six boys.

Police had the locksmiths change the locks; leaving the family outside the gates.

If this is happening with the rich imagine what is happening to the poor?

The Minnis Government shutdown the Mortgage Relief Programme, which was designed to keep Bahamians in their homes protected from greedy banks.

We report yinner decide!