Road Safety Education Conducted at New Providence Schools

A crossing guard directs traffic as the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin, Minister of Transport and Aviation, along with two students of Columbus Primary School traverse a pedestrian crossing on Collins Avenue.

NASSAU, The Bahamas – Representatives of the Road Safety Committee led by the Hon. Glenys Hanna-Martin, Minister of Transport and Aviation, continued its public education programme at Columbus Primary, Collins Avenue, Wednesday where they observed the flow of traffic in the area and students and parents used the pedestrian crossing directed by a crossing guard.

Minister Hanna-Martin said the education programme is among other initiatives designed to heighten public awareness of road safety and reduce the number of traffic fatalities in the country.

Road Traffic Controller Ross Smith said the visit to Columbus Primary School was one of seven to be made to schools throughout New Providence. The Committee recently conducted a similar exercise at Yellow Elder Primary School, Baillou Hill Road. The initiative is in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.