Robber shot following holdup


Bahamas Press is reporting a would-be robber attempted to rob Fergie Food Store, which is located in the plaza near Lil Generals on East Street south. Reports are the robber attempted to rob the store however he was shot. His condition is unknown at this time.


  1. I think it’s sad that Bahamians are now forced to protect themselves to this extent. But I will say this, I am tired of reading the headlines that say that one more innocent person was robbed, raped, or murdered. I commend the store keeper on their action. These criminals need to understand that when you try to hurt someone, rob them, or kill them…they proceed at their own risk. I am personally tired of living in fear, tired of looking over my shoulders and always cheking the rearview mirror for fear that someone is ‘out to get me’. This is a terrible way to live, but it has become a reality, especially for women. We need to take our country back.

  2. I think it’s sad that Bahamians are now forced to protect themselves to this extent. But I will say this, I am tired of reading the headlines that say that one more innocent person was robbed, raped, or murdered. I commend the store keeper on their action. These criminals need to understand that when you try to hurt someone, rob them, or kill them…they proceed at their own risk. I am personally tired of living in fear, tired of looking over my shoulders and always cheking the rearview mirror for fear that someone is “out to get me”. This is a terrible way to live, but it has become a reality, especially for women. We need to take our country back.

  3. Oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is good.These are headlines we need to see more of,where our citizens get the upperhand and deliver.Citizens are now on offense so lets support them unequivocally.Since this site is now a resource for any politician who wants to be relevant they better show that they are tough on law and order or dont even bother to vie for any candidacy.To the shooter my prayers are with you and your family and since you did the correct thing youi will have my full support.

    • Yes I agree, thank God and my prayers are with the shooter and his family as well, because I know this had to take a lot of courage to be able to do what he did. This national hero ought to be commended for his quick thinking and being able to position himself properly where he would not have missed his intended target, as a resulted another criminal was removed from our streets for good. He did an outstanding job, he took care of everything, he made sure there would be no court dates or bail for this person. He was considerate enough to put them completely out of their mystery.

  4. Bahamas Press is now reporting the robber was shot dead at the scene.

    We will not be so bold and applaud the actions of the shooter. However, it is clear, ROBBERS have caused this war to be declared on themselves. We say AIM FOR THE HEAD! LET NONE GET AWAY!

    Governor Woods Rogers
    ‘ slogan when he became governor of the Bahamas in 1717 was certain, CLEAR and swift, “Piracy Expelled, Commerce Restored,” (Expulsis Piratis/Restituta Commercia). This remained the national motto of the Bahamas until independence in 1973.

    Where is the Bahamian Woods Rogers? It ain’t Hubert and it sure ain’t Christie. We need someone to restore civility to this little country. Pirates are reeking havoc in this small society. They’re plundering and pillaging our ordered society. They have encased themselves in our institutions [POLICE, DEFENSE FORCE, AND OTHER AGENCIES]


    Bahamas Press/Editor

    • They didn’t have to die that way, but that’s the kind of life they have chosen for themselves. Now, I hope this would send a clear message to rest of them who have chosen or are considering entering that type of career path. Lord have mercy, my heart feel so heavy for their family to have to be dealing with funeral arrangement especially with it being so close to Christmas. You think he was doing this so he could be able to buy Christmas presents? Now, what kind of Christmas his family will have without him? I am sure they would have preferred to have him there with them celebrating, than to have any presents. The sad thing is a lot of these criminals you see out there engaging in these crimes don’t even have life insurance, which sometimes places a heavy financial burden on their families to have to find monies to burry them, when all of this could have been avoided and the hurtful part is some of them came from decent people, families who used to carry them to church and teach them about God and the kind of life he wants us to live that would be pleasing to him, but somehow they still ended up choosing to the wrong path and found themselves on the wrong side of the law. Anyway, I don’t know this person’s history and what cause them to be out there robbing people and it’s not my place to judge them, but I will say this though, “May they rest in peace and I am just happy, I don’t have to worry about that person holding me up, because you don’t mind if they just take the money or whatever, but sometimes they is be so brutal”.

    • Oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is good.These are headlines we need to see more of,where our citizens get the upperhand and deliver.Citizens are now on offense so lets support them unequivocally.Since this site is now a resource for any politician who wants to be relevant they better show that they are tough on law and order or dont even bother to vie for any candidacy.To the shooter my prayers are with you and your family and since you did the correct thing you will have my full support.

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