Robbers even stealing from the dead in the Bahamas….Read!

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Dear BP when you can, please post for me.

I went to show my face to a memorial on the beach opposite Sun Fun Resort (Reno Rankine) and when I return to my car an hour and twenty mins later my rear passenger side glass was broken and some valuables stolen.

Not that some people would return them but some may report it if someone tried to sell the stolen items. Because I heading home and was doing some work prior to I had my Peach Michael Kors hand bag in the car that contained the following: A silver Movado watch, a Tiffany & Co silver bracelet, Monte blanc pen along with other miscellaneous items Sentimental Item: recently deceased brother (Fritzni Ytil) old ID and Woodlawn burial paperwork.

Also a brown and tan Coach beach bag that contains: Blue polarized Costa ShadesBrown Ray Bans and other miscellaneous items. My laptop bag that contains my Dell Inspiron 15” laptop & case, USB that contains deceased sibling funeral ceremony and burial photos, sigh…….miscellaneous items too.

Anyone coming across these items please assist. Please.

Thanks BP for sharing…