By Bradley B Roberts, National Chairman, Progressive Liberal Party
Nassau, Bahamas – The following is a press statement by Bradley Roberts, National Chairman, Progressive Liberal Party:
Dr. Minnis, Cash and their co-conspirators met behind closed doors, behind the backs of Bahamians, with some of the very same Bahamians that they now call criminals. They drafted a Bill to legalize web shop gaming (called numbers) and they designed a regulatory and taxation regime. Facts show that in one year during the FNM’s regime the number of web shops licences granted almost doubled. In their usual cowardly fashion, they put off the Referendum until after the elections. Prime Minister Perry Christie kept his promise, gave Bahamians their wish, an opportunity to participate in and deepen our democracy and held the promised Referendum.
The hypocrites (FNM) then voted to silence Bahamians by voting against the Bill that empowered Bahamians to express their views, as called upon to do so, between Elections. The contempt for Bahamians continued when they voted against the deepening of democracy. They now seek to take away the heart of any democracy, the right to go to an independent and fair Court to adjudicate a matter.
The Government, deepening democracy, created the legal framework for Bahamians to make their wishes known on matters of national importance between elections. Openly, respectfully and transparently the Government acted upon the wishes of Bahamians.
The Bahamas is not a dictatorship. We believe that everyone within The Bahamas must submit to the authority of the Court. We respect the independence of the Court and its ability to make swift and fair decisions in the national interest.
Dr. Minnis and Cash, the surrogates of Ingraham have no credibility. Both of them, together with their mentor Ingraham, have been publicly seen as weak flip floppers. Both have no regard for Bahamians. Minnis sat in a Cabinet that presided over record murders, record numbers of people out on bail for murder, the largest cost overrun ever in our nation’s history ($100 Million dollars), record national debt and record youth unemployment.
They are now trying to wash the blood of more joblessness from their hands. They asked Bahamians to vote no. They are responsible for the possible loss of jobs for thousands of Bahamians. In their haste for payback for their 2002 Referendum loss, their political greed and avarice prevented them from seeing the consequences of their actions. They are now trying to back step and blame others for their lack of judgement.
The PLP, advised by the Attorney General, Allyson Maynard Gibson and Minister Gomez will not be distracted from the mandate given to them by the people of The Bahamas.