Rogers: “Piracy Expelled, Commerce Restored”


Woods Rodgers<<< A statue of Governor Woodes Rogers outside the Hilton Hotel in downtown Nassau. The hotel sits on the site of Old Fort Nassau where many battles were held. The Bahamas needs a WOODES ROGERS AGAIN! Rogers came to country and brought ORDER back to the city. He dealt with all the pirates who sought to destabilize this society.

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press is now reporting the robber who held up Fergies Food Store on East Street South last evening was shot dead during the daring robbery. He became a victim of his own senseless crime. Now we know for certain Fergies is a safe haven to shop.

We will not be so bold and applaud the actions of the shooter. However, it is clear, ROBBERS have caused this war to be declared on themselves. We say AIM FOR THE HEAD! LET NONE OF THESE ‘VICKED’ PIRATES WHO ATTEMPT TO DESTABILIZE COMMERCE IN THIS COUNTRY TO GET AWAY!

Governor Woodes Rogers‘ slogan when he became governor of the Bahamas in 1717 was certain, CLEAR and swift, “Piracy Expelled, Commerce Restored,” (Expulsis Piratis/Restituta Commercia). This remained the national motto of the Bahamas until independence in 1973.

Where is the Bahamian Woodes Rogers? It ain’t Hubert and it sure ain’t Christie. We need someone to restore civility to this little country. Pirates are reeking havoc in this small society. They’re plundering and pillaging our ordered society. They have encased themselves in our institutions [POLICE, DEFENSE FORCE, AND OTHER AGENCIES]