Moncur is being DISINGENUOUS with facts surrounding the Sir Gerald Cash Primary matter


<<< Rodney Moncur

Nassau BahamasBahamas Press has been reliably informed that Rodney Moncur had a meeting with the Minister of Education, Hon Desmond Bannister In reference to the matter involving the young girl at the Gerald Cash Primary School .

A source with knowledge of the situation advised BP, “ Rodney is being disingenuous, he met with the Minister in the House of Assembly on the matter. In a subsequent meeting in the presence of the Principal, Mr. Clarke, it was agreed that the child would be registered free of Charge. Further, it was directed that the child be placed on the school lunch program”.

We have been advised from another source, that the Minister even went so far as to make arrangements for the child to get uniform and supplies assistance.

We now retract our story and issue an apology to the Hon Desmond Bannister. We regret not confirming this story before publishing and we will make space available to the Minister  or the Min of Education to respond. Suffice it to say, we have now checked with several sources with knowledge of the situation and we are satisfied that all efforts have been advanced to assist the young girl. In fact, we believe that the Minister has gone above and beyond the call of duty in this instance.


  1. While it is all good that the minister did what he did. What about the other parents who cannot afford to pay the entrance fees, some primary schools registration fees are up to $115!! The situation at Gerald cash is a symtom of a bigger problem!! What is the purpose of these exorbant registration fees? PE Kit $25 Tie/Crest $10 insurance $10 (providing the child does go somewhere) What is $100 needed for…’s need to remember what their purposes are!! Too many of them are trying to put Bookworld out of business.

  2. Is it possible that Moncur at the time of posting did not have an agreement with the minister? and as such posted the picture to get an answer.

  3. i agree. don’t worry for his sake he better hope thats not what he did. because he will get the hammer smashed across his hands for his evil ways.

  4. It takes a great person to apologize. I have much respect in BahamasPress for putting right where its due. Now we should start to stop blaming government and blame the man/woman in the mirror.

  5. Bahamaspress I’m proud of you it takes a great person to apologize. Lets stop this depending on government to do everything and look at the man in the mirror.

  6. Why should the MINISTER involve himself in these details.
    What is Social Services there for. They should have made a case to M O E and settle the matter.
    This is why the Governance of Our Country is SO SLOW and Mediocre. With Summer Break and the push for a smooth re-opening, with all the challenges in staffing and repairs being carried out by these Lousy Contractors, You have the Minister doing something a Summer Student could of handle as a case.
    Wake-Up and get Crackin..

  7. I cry shame on the ” Hammer” if this is true. He should not use that little child for political purposes.

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