Ingraham Cabinet Appoints Moncur a Justice of the Peace


Political activist Rodney Moncur and Chief Magistrate Rodger Gomez.

Nassau, Bahamas — The FNM Cabinet has elevated to the status of Justice of the Peace political activist, Rodney ‘The Hammer’ Moncur.

During a recent Cabinet meeting Hubert Ingraham fast-tracked Moncur’s appointment to the the status of JP.

We have several questions for the ‘Hammer’, have you been bought out for 30 pieces of silver? Is there a new alliance between the Worker’s Party and the FNM? And we wonder who in the FNM Gov’t. made the recommendation? Things that make you go HMMM! Either way we think ‘the hammer’ is well deserving.

The courtroom was over extended with family, friends, fellow advocates and political comrades all eager to witness the swearing-in of Prince of Black Village’s newest Justice of the Peace.
Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez noted that he expected great things from Mr. Moncur; most of all, the effort to maintain peace and good order.

Well-wishers congratulates Rodney Moncur.
Hubert Ingraham along with his FNM goons at Government House Friday past. The group could be seen eating and drinking while Rome burns! Rodney Moncur breaks bread with PAPA!


  1. Muncure will get every Haitian who need deed poles or affidavits for name change or name laundering rawdnee is the man. We have too much identity fraud going on, and we give JP to another Haitian, Ingrum need to stop looking out for his Haitian people, while he is allowed to further destroy the Bahamas, Ya know when Hitler contracted syphilis it made him a bitter cold dictator. Do you think ingrum is acting like Hitler?

  2. I am happy for Mr. Moncur. The Honor is something that has long been overdue and as a Bahamian he has worked hard and looked out for the betterman of the small innercity blue collar worker.
    I say, Peace and much respect.

    • As a long time friend and former member of Workers Party I congratulate Mr. Moncur and the PM. there are to many pastors and men of the clothe who over the years have benifited from this honour, while they carry on their cult like associations robbing the bahamian people. Hats of to you Mr. Moncur

  3. Rodney Moncur is well deserving of this. I dont know hat this was a cabinet decision, but if it was, it shows great maturity that the cabinet would honour one of its great political adversaries in this way. Well done, Mr. Rodney Moncur, JP. Respect due.

  4. Why is it that you have to disrespect Mr. Moncur to this extend.

    Can we conclude that you totally disrespecting the PM and the FNM and praising Christie and the PLP as the Saviour of the Bahamas that have been brought for 30 pieces of silver.

    This must stop, Mr. Moncur is a Bahamian and BP has no right to disrespect him, none.

    • No one is disrespecting him. Questions are asked that are relevant. Why is someone so obsessed and fearless about stopping crime, mixed up in a party that has failed at curbing crime, and most importantly, doesn’t really seem to care about doing anything about it?? BP did congratulate Moncur, and I do too.
      That fnm and ingraham are one tricky group. I have to applaud them for knowing how to play the game. They want moncur on their side. He’s good for some PR. Clean up the image a bit. Anyone with average intelligence can figure this out. They know he is greatly loved and respected. Don’t recruit the peacemaker; bring the peace!!

    • And Wilard you must stop reading Bahamas Press! STOP before ya fall down with a heart attack! Bahamas Press is the Bahamas Wikileaks!


    • “This must stop, Mr. Moncur is a Bahamian and BP has no right to disrespect him, none.”

      So what, people have a right to disrespect non Bahamians?? Crap as Bahamians we killing each other, we get more respect from the likes of GW Bush!

      • THIS MUST STOP? Newsman do you want us to STOP CANCEL and REVIEW your IM OFF HIS WEBSITE?

        THE NERVE OF YA! Even the blind could see moncur is an agent of Hubert Ingraham, who yinner foolin?


        • I was quoting homeboy. I was only pointing out that he said as a Bahamian he should not be disrespected, my point was why only Bahamians?? Shouldnt we respect people other than Bahamians as well, or at least just as much? Im not saying we have to respect ANYONE, just pointing out that err on his post!

    • some may think that when the FNM is in power crime goes up, Hell yeah it does. The reason it does; is the fact that the FNM puts so much pressure on the thugs & drug running, they the criminals get desperate. desperateness make people do some crazy things. Like robbies, murder, & any other criminal activity.

      All of that said the police are doing a great job & a hard one. At least they are catching more harden criminals in the act of committing crimes. what needs to improve in this country to combat crime is an effective justice system. ours is a national disgrace & makes me ashamed to be bahamaian. where in the world can you find an individual that is an active MP & also an active criminal defense lawyer, representing the biggest drug dealer in the caribbean. somethings is just wrong with that. so ya’ll PLP’s that point the fingers need to check yall selves.

      success brings enemies so i expect the haters of the FNM to say some dumb remarks, it just show the level of their IQs which ain’t much combined.

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