Rogue 6th grade teacher sacked from two private schools in the country set to destroy the reputation of Kingsway Academy!


Major scandal unfolds at Kingsway as parents claimed their children made the honour roll but still struggles! READ MORE!

NASSAU| Bahamas Press over the weekend and up to Monday gave the Management Committee at Kingsway Academy on Bernard Road opportunity to address its educators and parents on a developing scandal at the campus which saw the removal of the Principal, Vice Principal and Athletic Director some two weeks ago.

The sacking of all Administrators comes following a series of complaints from parents and teachers, many of whom either withdrew their kids from the school or withdrew their services.

We are learning the sacking stems from serious allegations involving a 6th grade teacher who is alleged to have used her influence to post good grades for her students, who,when retested, found it difficult to apply their skills to the test.

One source exposing the scandal told BP, “Could you image this? Some parents have complained how, for an entire year, students in the classroom of this same 6th grade teacher never have homework? Have no markings in their texts books. With all the students making the honour roll, with grades in the 90s for CREATIVE WRITING, yet, when a closer examination is done, students are not just failing, but struggling to apply themselves to simple educational instructions. Something has gone wrong with this class! How could a child get 98% in reading, but is still battling to pronounce words in simple reading exercises?”

BP has further examined this educator who, we understand, to this day is still employed at the school and, although changes abound all around her in the elementary section, she remains untouched.

Readers should note that this same educator was recently sacked first from a prestigious school in the capital and then from another one for the same thing: failing to apply standards and follow the course exercises for students. And all this is being done at a school where the parents pay hefty fees for private education. This is incredible indeed!

We are learning that the Management Committee long wanted the Administrators sacked, but they were protected by the former Director of Affairs who was violently removed and forced out of that post back in February this year.

But if you think this is the end of the saga, think again. As the 6th grade teacher made sure her entire class grades were posted above average, she proceeded to cause the unthinkable to occur.

Sources tell us the entire scandal came to a head when the 2019 graduation exercises commenced. With the big lie in grades posted by this rogue 6th grade teacher [CHEATING TO MAKE SURE HER STUDENTS FLOAT TO THE TOP] all her students made the honour roll.

And if that wasn’t enough, she went further to make sure that some students in the class got favoured prize honours before their more deserving peers. WHAT IN DA HELL IS DIS?

What was worse was the fact that the Valedictorian was given to the child whose parent is a close friend of the rogue teacher, when the Salutatorian – whose mother is a known banker – child had far excelled in her classwork. THIS IS A SCANDAL WHICH IN OUR VIEW IS ABOUT THREE NOTCHES DOWN FROM OBAN!

Anyway, BP has more to tell on this developing story and will update yinner on what we know. Meanwhile, instructions from outside the Bahamas have taken hold of the troubling situation as BP begins to shed light on WHAT IN THE HELL IS HAPPENING AT KINGSWAY ACADEMY!?

We report yinner decide!