Sandals Nolle Prosequi maintains integrity of the judicial process


Will the Bahamian Victims of Louis Bacon’s Save da Bays harrassments in multiple court cases also get a Nolle?

Sandals owner Gordon Butch Stewart
Sandals owner Gordon Butch Stewart

Bradley B. Roberts
National Chairman
Progressive Liberal Party

The Progressive Liberal Party takes note of the headline story in one of the local dailies on the Nolle Prosequi issued by the office of the Attorney General in a private prosecution matter involving the management of the Sandals Resort. We also note the public position taken by a labour executive on the matter.

We are advised that the Bahamas Hotel Maintenance and Allied Workers Union (BHMAWU) also initiated civil proceedings against the hotel executives and the Office of the Attorney General determined that it was an abuse of the judicial process to have the matter simultaneously litigated in the criminal courts, thus the Nolle Prosequi.

In our view the Office of the Attorney General is correct in its judgment and the Progressive Liberal Party supports the decision. When all of the PR, the political spin and posturing are said and done, it falls on the government to ensure the integrity of the country’s duly constituted public institutions.