Sands hid assets from the court in divorce case in the United States



Duane Sands speaking at an FNM Rally. [Photo courtesy of the FNM]

Nassau, Bahamas — No it was not because he called the people of Elizabeth GREEDY, which caused Duane Sands to decline debating on the JCN network, but it could be some new information coming into our desk late yesterday.

Breaking news from our forensic legal team in the US confirms that it is possible Sands is not just a holder of a Green Card, but spelt out more facts that he also hid his assets from a court in Michigan.

Sands in a case before the court where his first wife was seeking a divorce is said to show he had hidden assets during the primary trial period.

Information gathered by BP confirms the case was Sands v. Sands, and became Michigan landmark case involving hidden assets.

When assets were found after the trial, the court reconsidered the property division at a new partial trial. The Michigan appellate court awarded the plaintiff all the found assets. The Supreme Court then affirmed the judgment for Mrs. Sands. Nevertheless, it cautioned that in each individual divorce case the circuit court must equitably divide the assets.

Bahamas Press has the great RUSTY NAIL, which will now be driven into the wooden FNM coffin. This week is Ash Wednesday and boy we see ashes all over the torch.

The case proved one thing about this character now in Elizabeth seeking to become the representative voice for the constituency and that is Sands loves to hide, duck and not speak.

  • 1)    He delayed on revealing what is his list of total contracts he has with the government of the Bahamas.
  • 2)    He’s has failed to declare those lists of contract he now engages with the government.
  • 3)    He failed to confirm or deny whether he is a holder of an American Green Card. BP confirms he is a holder of such a card, which gives him the rights and privileges as an American citizen.
  • 4)    And Sands has refused to tell the residents of Lizzy why has he saw it not fit to discuss the issues on live TV with other candidates.
  • 5)    And now Bahamas Press has discovered Duane Sands hid assets from the court of law in the United States during the separation battle with his first wife.

Why is Sands continuing to coverup everything when he knows public life requires full disclosure on these matters and more? What else could Sands be hiding from the public?

Here is therefore the just reason why the people of Elizabeth cannot TURST DUANE SANDS as the elected representative. He has refused to be forthcoming in all his dealing with the people of the constituency even when the Tribune recorded him as calling the people of Elizabeth GREEDY!

BP calls on all residents of Lizzy to reject the Ghost Candidate of the FNM who didn’t have the decency to face the people of the community in a public debate.

BP Responds to Sands commentary to the press in the Green Card status: We see Sands has decided to come out and respond to the Green Card issue.

On Friday he said he was not an American citizen but had one child who was. Today he said he never had nor applied for a Green Card and has never applied for such. And today he says he has Two children which has American citizenship.

Now we are confuse. How could Duane Sands have his first wife as American and two children born Americans and not have applied for nor sought status in the US? How then did he live and work in the US? Was he a breaker of US LAW? Did he operate as an illegal?

We know his card status is indeed true. We also know he got his divorce in 1993 in the story posted above.

When desperation sits in mouth say anything.

We know Duane Sands lived and worked in the United States, Michigan to be exact. We also know while working there he did have documentation to live and work in the US. Sands’ first wife was American and the couple had children together! THAT IS FACT!

Now we will take it further, if Sands did not have a Green Card as he now claims, by what document did he work and operate in the United States?

We await his response before we respond.

Bahamas Press/Editor


  1. @ A critical thought. If you don’t like bias reporting, you must hate the Punch, the Tribune and the Guardian!! Talk about bias reporting!!!
    The Punch says that Lady P has split the PLP, well if that is so, can you imagine how much worse Dr. Sands would be beaten??? He is lucky that he is only going to be beaten by some 300+ votes!!!
    @BP. I will now predict that some 700 persons on the register will not vote today!!

  2. BP what gets me is the fact that Dr. Sands said that he was schooling in the US for 16 years… He also got married there within that time and he wants us to believe that he did not earn a living there???? That doesn’t make much sense to me!!! FNMs have no problem believing him because they believe everything that PAPA tells them!!
    FNMs, I’m sorry but prepare for the message that the people of Elizabeth will send HI and his govt by putting Ryan in the HOA by a large margin compared to what Malcom had won by in 2007!!

  3. In your amendment to the original article, you said the following, “Now we are confused. How could Duane Sands have his first wife as American and two children born Americans and not have applied for not sought status in the US?” To this I give a simple answer: someone who has made a life in the United States doesn’t all of a sudden forget about the friends, family, memories, and needs of home. Dr. Sands didn’t seek American citizenship because he ALWAYS intended to return to the Bahamas. To bring the skills that he learned abroad back to a country in desperate need of it. To save BAHAMIAN lives. To give everything he had to BAHAMIANS. To bring up this point in attempt to speak ill of Dr. Sands is itself unpatriotic and completely flawed. As for the rest of this article, its utter slander. The TRUE benefit of free speech is that it allows the unpopular TRUTH to be spoken. Unfortunately, so does twisted “facts”, biased opinions, and straight up lies. This prime example of the latte three, along with the rest of your coverage on Dr. Sands, has been further from truth, news, or beneficial free speech as humanly possible. In fact,  this particular attempt to discredit Dr. Sands is simply pathetic.

  4. Okay BP,

    This is the epitome of desperation and biased reporting, all of which you purport not to be like: “It’s not us, only the ‘Wutless’ media out there which are biased”.  Well with this and most of your recent biased articles, you’ve certainly reached a new low.  Another thing I found really interesting, which I failed to mention earlier was your so called BP/Cardiff I’m guessing one of your relatives attend Cardiff University Law School.  Just one of the 11 Bahamians there.  Come on man….Statistics 101 would teach you that you need a larger sample size when conducting a poll.

    Anyways, in conclusion, I must admit, I was lured to your site at it’s infancy, but now this is just getting ridiculous. You’ve certainly stooped to a new low, which has deterred a lot of your readers.  Especially those abroad.


    • I passed the FNM HQ on Prince Charles and notice that they are erecting toilets for tomorrow.evening.Tell them to have sufficient tissue for the moaning and groaning.The streets are silent throughout NP which is an indication that crabs are getting ready to walk in Lizzy.10/10 the BIBle 10

  5. Russell, with all politics aside, if the ones responsible for informing us on the facts,  don’t bring the facts when writing news, but either wait until later or never bring them, they are only contributing to the problems that we have in this country.  Journalists in this, and any other country have the sacred duty to report on facts and are obligated to prove what is written or said, or withdraw the comments.  What is being said by BP is not an opinion, it has been reported as FACT, and just like any other news media in the country, BP should comply with national and international journalistic standards.  Anything other than that is merely “hear-say,” and lowers the creditability of other stories posted, whether they are true or not!!!

  6. Well informed your commentary is much appreciated but in our society it is not appreciated if you give all of the facts immediately.I notice that many FNMs ghave come on this site being apologetic for a party that can be compared to the Govt in Iran.They love fiting persons illegally,trying to shut down opposition and trying to demand you vote for their candidate or else.Ther devil is a liar and come tomorrow Elizabethans will show them that they deserve the cuta..Pinder is a moderate but others like me who are radical like you ….asf FNM supporters will match you word for word.Dont worry PAPA has a bag with plenty pampers for you all.I am ashamed of you diehards who are blind to the fact that fnm govt.policies have left the majority of Bahamians in dire straits.You all must be junkanoo judges,unable to be fair.10/10

  7. BP, while I don’t support neither of those dinosaur parties (PLP & FNM), wouldn’t it be prudent to substantiate your allegations by producing the actual facts which prove that Sands indeed possessed, or at some time had possessed permanent residency in the US?  It is possible for professionals like doctors and lawyers to live and work in the US without a green card.  It’s called a H1B Visa, which is valid up to 6 years, and can only be obtained by an employer applying for it.  At this late stage of the game,  providing actual proof would be far much better, as nobody would be able to refute what is being alleged than simply just saying it!

  8. Bahamas Press will indeed announce its projections on the Elizabeth by-election early tomorrow morning . Bahamas Press shall also call the numbers of the election as our BP /Cardiff poll workers are no the ground as we speak and shall make it know for all to see and read.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  9. But Eagle you should see some of the other information we have but have not yet posted. Man we have some information which ga bring down the whole Royal Bahamas Police Force. STAY TUNED!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. Boy Lady Russell we see Sands has decided to come out and respond to the Green Card issue.

    On Friday he said he was not an American citizen but had one child who was. Today he said he never had nor applied for a green card and has never applied for such. And today he says he has Two children which has American citizenship.

    Now we are confused How could Duane Sands have his first wife as American and two children born Americans and not have applied for not sought status in the US?

    We know his Card status is indeed true. We also know he got his divorce in 1993 in the story above.

    When desperation sits in mouth say anything.

    We know Duane Sands lived and worked in the United States, Michigan to be exact. We also know while working there he did have documentation to live and work in the US. Sands’ first wife was American and the couple had children together! THAT IS FACT!

    Now we will take it further, if Sands did not have a Green Card as he now claims, by what document did he work and operate in the United States?

    We await his response before we respond.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

    • BP should be the last to talk about having dual citizenship he has been a US citizen for years and not by free wil . He was under house arrest for several years when he appeared before the courts to testify about the drug connections of his Father  with kojack. NORMAN GORMAN BANNISTER YOU ARE GUILTY OF SELLING OUT YOUR FATHER AND DRIVING HIM TO AN EARLY GRAVE.So you should be the last one to talk about treachory.PHILLIPA RUSSELL YOU ARE STILL SMARTING AFTER BEING FIRED BY THE PRIME MINISTER FOR LYING TO THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE AND ALMOST CAUSING A RIOT IN THE COUNTRY AFTER THE 2007 ELECTIONS

      • Thank you for your commentary Betty as you see BP is not like the WUTLESS TOILET MEDIA in the Bahamas which prohibits free speech. Nor we a hack like Hubert Ingraham who fires media persons to hush their voice.


  11. BP, you and the PLP seem to be getting more and more desperate as the election approaches.  Let it go.  Digging up this man’s personal business is not playing fair. 

    • Us and the PLP? Cause we wipping Hubert Ingraham you know what you think we is PLP ech? Oh stay right there, wait for Feb. 17th if you believe that. The leadership of the PLP don’t believe that for a minute.

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  12. Look at Phillipa Russell, gleeing… and at the other PLPs… ya’ll know BO is just getting people mad right and as a result…. the lash will come out in full support of Dr. Sands…. PLPs get ready.. because Sands will win and it will be a definite defeat of the PLP… BP tried his best.. BBUT IT WAS LIKE WHY DO BP talk about the selling of the PI Bridge and getting 10%.. I think not…  

  13. Well, BP, you have one more day to try dig up more trash on this candidate.  So far, what you have found ain’t impressive. Time is running out.  One more chance.

  14. Now we know why Doc returned home and it was not voluntary.Now we know why Doc called Elizabethans greedy as he was thinking of his formewr wife.Now we know why Doc ducked out on the debate as he knew that his closet has many skeletons.Now we know why Doc has aligned himself with PAPA.Doc SANDS HAS BEEN EXPOSED AND SHOULD CRAWL BACK TO HIS PRACTICE.aLL i SAY TO dOC sANDS IS BIRD OF A FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER.This Armada has hit rock just like the invaders who were trying to depose Queen Elizabeth I.10/10 the Bible 10.

  15. conflict of interest (COI) occurs when an individual or organization is involved in multiple interests, one of which could possibly corrupt the motivation for an act in the other.
    A conflict of interest can only exist if a person or testimony is entrusted with some impartiality; a modicum of trust is necessary to create it. The presence of a conflict of interest is independent from the execution of impropriety. Therefore, a conflict of interest can be discovered and voluntarily defused before any corruption occurs.
    The occupations where a conflict of interest is most likely to be encountered or discovered include: policemanlawyerinsurance adjusterpoliticianengineer, executive, director of a corporationmedical research scientist, physician, writer, or editor. In short—any entrusted individual or organization.

  16. Wow!
    What a tangled mess we weave when deception is the standard operating proceedure?
    Will Dr Sands be made to cancel his Green Card or US Residency status?
    Do we know who are the beneficiaries of his company with the Bahanas Govt. contract? 

    Is Hubert Ingraham a shareholder of the company owned by these slick physicians?

    Is Dr Sands also the physician for Hubert Ingrahams faulty heart?

    Are the Bahamian people clear on the concept of “Conflict of Interest”?

    Will Google and post this critical bit of information.

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