Did the school bus driver have insurance?

Cargill Creek, Andros — A breaking report coming out of Andros tonight confirms a school bus on that island made a dangerous turn into nearby bushes injuring some three students who had to be airlifted to the capital.
BP teams on the island confirm that the bus was travelling in the Cargill Creek area around 3:40pm when the accident occurred.
We can report the driver is fine. However three of the students received extensive injuries.
BP is wondering how in holy hell ZNS nor any of the wutless media didn’t report this? No kind of commitment to presenting the art of their profession to the public. No PASSION! NO GUT! No thrust for news! NONE WHATSOEVER! They are all just running up and down behind Laing and Papa Clown while children getting injured, beaten and raped all across this country and they refuse to cover such.
BP is asking did the school bus driver have insurance? And what will the ministry of education do to make sure children stay safe while being transported on these school buses?