Scotiabank introduces banking on the phone but we cannot deposit cheques?


Nassau, Bahamas — Banking on the go they call it these days where you could by the clicking buttons on your phones [ if it is working that is] to carry out transactions is the new promotion by Scotiabank. What a convenience.

Scotiabank customers in The Bahamas will soon be able to conveniently bank-on-the-go with the new Scotia Mobile App for Blackberry and iPhone. Scotiabank announced that starting September 30, 2011 customers in The Bahamas will have even more freedom to carry their bank in their back pocket when they download the App onto their BlackBerrys and iPhones.

“We’re excited to be the first Bank in the region to offer BlackBerry and iPhone users an app that gives customers the freedom to bank anytime and anywhere,” Kevin Teslyk, Managing Director, Scotiabank Bahamas. “The Bank is committed to meeting our customers’ individual banking needs by offering innovative and secure banking solutions to help them become financially better off.”

What we at BP have a concern with is the Scotiabank services at the Caves Village branch. Now get this, the bank has been open there for a while now and we believes offer stellar modern day banking services. The staff is off the chains and is the best in the entire chain of branches. The location is a cashless bank, and what that means is this, they don’t take cash out over the counter but over the ATM.

The branch is BP’s main location to bank until lately and here’s why. Scotiabank has decided to refuse the deposits of all cheques at the branch of late and has advised us [customers] that if if we want to deposit a cheque, we would have to go to another branch.

Businesses like BP must deposit cheques. We cannot be moving around from bank to bank all day like we are somewhere in South America. What has happened to that wonderful service where you can deposit all ya cheques one time in walking distance from the BP compound?

The idea is utter nonsense and someone needs to be fired for making such a JACKASS decision. If you can be a bank to do transactions over the phone [where all these lottery scams from cable and wireless come] then you ‘mussy’ could take our cheques? Why punish us by sending us to another branch when we can do it all onetime? If ‘yinner’ cannot offer banking services, then tell us and get the hell out of the business.

We ‘ga’ be able to bank over the phone and we cannot deposit a cheque in the bank? Come one man, WE CAN DO BETTER!~


  1. BP should visit South America and see that banking services are quite advanced compared to the Bahamas.Cities like Bogota,Colombia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Montevideo,Uruguay etc surpass the Bahamas in terms of technology.

  2. The service is nothing new. I been using all banks internet feature including Scotia on my phone by simply going to their website and perform my transactions. A Scotia app, please. Just visit the website of any bank on your phone. Ensure that your phone has Edge/Wi-Fi enabled and do what you have to do. You must be signed up for Internet Banking and given a username/password before you can use those features.

    So the service is nothing new Scotia! People are wiser now, so stop rewrapping/branding the same services and presenting it as NEW!

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