FNM Scurrilous attacks on Dr. Gomez must cease!


Letter Writer highlights FNM attacks on minister for something not his fault

Dr. Perry Gomez, Minister of Health

Dear Editor,

The oppositions attack on Dr. Gomez is a clear indication that having lost the election the FNM and its operators are prepared to destroy or delay any government programme especially those involving the health sector. To attack an imminent physician for something that is clearly not his fault speaks to a mindset that the Bahamian voters have clearly rejected. The doctor is not responsible for the day to day operation of the PMH. He must rely on the health care professionals employed by the PHA to advise him on matters that affect public health and may require Ministerial interventions.

The evidence suggests that the current bacterial outbreak in the ICU occurred as early as April of this year. Was the former Minister of Health informed and if he was what did he do? If he was not advised then, why is he wasting time protecting persons who are clearly incompetent? But,back to the first question. Suppose he was in fact advised of the outbreak and did nothing? What does that say about his stewardship on the PHA as Minister? It is hard to believe that the sycophants in the PHA did not give the Minister a heads up about the outbreak and the subsequent infant deaths at the PMH. But, it is not a stretch to infer that the information was left undiseminated; good PR for its resolution if the FNM won the election and an unexploded grenade for the next PLP Minister of Health.

Who knows what other surprises are buried in the bowels of the PHA ticking away, waiting to be used by the opposition when it suits their devious purpose to further diminish the office of Dr. Gomez?

Time will tell and as we know that time longer than rope just wait and see. With regard to that now infamous Sunday morning telephone call to Dr. Gomez while his response was one of annoyance he can hardly be blamed for his response. That Dr. Gomez is a caring Physician is beyond question. The good Doctor has dedicated the major portion of his life to ensuring that Bahamians receive excellent medical care and his accomplishments speak for themselves.

Just because a Ministers phone number is available does not give a reporter that right to call their homes at all hours and ambush them by telephone. I would suggest that his reaction to a call from someone purporting to be a reporter on a Sunday morning on a very sensitive issue was reasonable and that his response was restrained to say the least.


Concerned Citizen