Nassau, Bahamas — With more than 3,000 residents on the current register in the Sea Breeze constituency, the outgoing Member of Parliament for the area, Carl ‘Undernourished’ Bethel, attracted no more than twenty four concerned citizens at a special called town meeting to discuss the sale of BTC to Cable and Wireless.
The evening was a complete disaster as not one registered resident of the area attended the event.
Bethel sat defeated at the head table setup in courtyard of Sadie Curtis School, looking defeated at the empty chairs as if someone had already taken lunch from a school boy.
Bahamas Press has landed some 30 FIELD MARSHALS in the constituency to make certain Bethel is not only defeated whenever an election is called, but to also make sure he accepts early retirement from active politics!
Early reports in the press noted Bethel attempted to flee the area in hope to avoid a vicious cut_you_know_what from PLPĀ candidate Hope Strachan. Bethel we were told from FNM insiders, had set his eyes to run in the St. Thomas More constituency, however, Party Leader the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham rejected that request.
BTC union members made up some 12 persons attending the small setting. The balance we believe were idle persons with nothing to do on a Tuesday night. The remaining empty chairs we could only imagine seated Angelic Beings assessing his political fate, as the thick cloud of fog descended over New Providence last evening.
One former resident told BP, “If I was a relative of Bethel I would not risk getting shot in some schoolyard to listen to that WUTLESS FNM MP. He has failed the constituency, and the children of this country!”
Bethel is still politically nauseated after suffering his public firing from the Cabinet on LIVE ZNS TV 13 while at an historic FNM Convention in Nov. 2009. On Cable TV around the country it was announced by the PM Bethel will resign from the Cabinet of the Bahamas effective immediately. The decision to kick Bethel out of the class as minister of education came after his falling out of grace with Papa.
The axing by Ingraham, coupled with the growing neglect and rundown conditions within the Department of Education, along with the scandalous episodes of alleged rape incidents, especially the one at the once prestigious Queen’s College, have all left Bethel a “politically” wounded man.

Bethel’s political troubles were so severe in 2009 before he canceled the Student Loan Programme and oversaw huge cuts in education; he checked himself into Princess Margaret Hospital to seek “political sympathy”. He was later released by doctors after they revealed nothing was wrong with the failed MP, who was then practising his first love; PLAYING GAMES and acting like a JACKASS!
Bahamas Press advises all residents of Sea Breeze to GO AND REGISTER AT THE PARLIAMENTARY REGISTRAR OFFICE. We advise them to note, there is but ONE ‘HOPE’ FOR SEA BREEZE!
As LEO RYAN PINDER did in the neighbour constituency to the east, so also will C. V. HOPE STRACHAN deliver upon the political backside of Carl Bethel.
A picture which proves only twenty four [24] SLEEPY persons showed up at an advertised town meeting organized by Carl Bethel last night. Not one registered voter in the constituency showed up.
Well… the million $ question is ….. who dat fat man in the orange shirt is? BP…dats u? lol
This is a ‘clear’ indication that the Bahamian people detest this gormless FNM Government.
Bahamas Press – Carl applied for a transfer? JOKES! He’d better HOPE (no pun intended) that HAI even runs him as a candidate in ANY constituency; including Rat Cay!
I can see Ingraham now, announcing on R.M. Bailey Park that, “The (NOT SO) Honorable Carl Bethel will be resigning from the House of Assembly upon the completion of his current term; to invest the full scope of his knowledge, skills and resources in service to the FNM party continuing in his current capacity as Chairman, which to date, is a role he has found to be both challenging and rewarding (YEAH RIGHT). We graciously thank him for his service in the Sea Breeze Constituency, the House of Parliament, and for his fruitful tenure in the Ministry of Education. As a son of the soil and one of my sons in public life; for whom I have taken great pleasure in mentoring, I can say with confidence in conjunction with what he has expressed to me behind closed doors that Carl remains loyal to his party, the unfolding vision of my government, and by extension the great people of this prosperous and thriving island nation.”
(THE TRUTH – Behind closed doors Carl responds to Ingraham’s decision – “You mother f&*()ing cunt! Will I be washing police cars next? After coming to his senses, “Sorry Papa. I recognize now, that by doing this, you are positioning me to achieve and accomplish great things!”)
After his speech, HAI turns to Carl who is trying feverishly to ground the **** SPLATTER deep into his Mickey Mouse brand boxers so that it not drain down the pant legs of his clown suit. Ingraham smiles as only a lion could, nods at him, and then turns back to face the crowd, where unconvincingly gestures to the masses to recognize Carl for his countless contributions.
***BE PATIENT – I’m trying to pull up those CONTRIBUTIONS on Google as we speak.
10 seconds later…
Google replies, information not found. Try another country
Another 10 seconds….
Google replies, infomation not found. Try another continent
Another 10 seconds…..
Google replies, information not found. Try another planet.
Another 10 seconds…
Google replies, You have entered ‘Carl Bethel’ in your search. Did you REALLY mean ‘Bozo the Clown’? Please find information below:
Bozo the Clown, former member of parliament (Sea Breeze Constituency), former Cabinet Minister (MOE), and current FNM party chairman DISTINGUISHED himself in public life during the HAI Regime by being:
Ridiculed as a ‘BLONDE’
Exploited as a ‘PAWN’
Disgraced and is ‘GONE’
you could clearly see that any government coming into power will have major health care costs to contend with.You could say they had the equivalent 50 persons given the size of those attending
clown face is now shame face; he can’t get the ears of his leader, he now want the ears of those who elected him for representation,sometime he failed to do.Carl Bethel is Hubert Ingraham’s personal buffoon and jasper.Sea Breeze ain’t playing with no one’s personal clown.
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y yall do this to cry baby Carl bethel time to pack up and leave don’t look back run Carl run
I say show up for what , when a government will agree to such a sail , when a Prime Minister is hell bent on doing what he wants to do when he wants to do it , and then call a sham of a town meeting to discuss a sale that is already agreed too , as the old bahamian saying goes ” you gat to be crazy “
That help and hope was in 2002. That gone with the fresh wind they say was blowing.This election is 2012 come up with somthing new man.
Look to me like the Bahamian people are’nt all that concern about BTC,if they were they would’ve shown up in mass numbers and express their views.
No they just don’t like the presenter who came with the message so get real, y’all think people are not up to their games. This was just a smooth way to test the political water and see how he looking but now he knows YOU LOOK BAD SO DON’T EVEN ATTEMPT TO SHOW YOUR UGLY HEAD ANY MORE I SAY BE GONE INTO THE HOLE FROM WHENCE YOU CAME MY BROTHER IT IS FINISH LADY RUSSELL CAN’T EVEN SAVE YOUR BUT, there is Hope and that Hope is Hope Strachan.
I count 25 person BP
Ok Bahamian we ga give you one, but 12 were Union members and not one were registered members of Sea Breeze.
I find it highly insulting that you stated in your story “The balance we believe were idle persons with nothing to do on a Tuesday night.” Anything related to national policy; including the sale of BTC is of most importance, so stating that persons in attendance had “nothing to do” is a grave reflection of your personal views. I hope you were in attendance.
We report Yinner decide!
Why would you be insulted? Bahamians display their objection by shunning as well as protesting.
Look at the photograph! Whatever reasons were used to justify the non-attendance of constituents, the fact is that people stayed away in droves!
Personally,though,I feel no reason could possibly be more salient than dislike of Mr. Bethel himself.
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