Sears Legal Mind Crushes Ingraham's Ignorance of the Constitution!


comon<<<Looking like Popeye with no more spinach, once again Hubert Ingraham (Right) ran out of the House of Assembly today as the brilliant Alfred Sears showed up the weak legal minds behind the FNM proposed term limits for the commissioner of police.

Nassau, Bahamas: The IGNORANCE of Hubert Ingraham and some persons who sit around the Cabinet of the Bahamas came to light today, as a scholar of the law and member of parliament for the Fort Charlotte constituency Alfred Sears, reminded parliamentarians that the office of commissioner of police is a constitutionally entrenched office in the Bahamas. He therefore added that the office of Commissioner cannot be confined to term limits as being proposed in a bill tabled in the House by the Ingraham government.

The government is proposing to limit the years a commissioner of police can serve contractually. Sears, the MP most supported by Bahamas Press to lead the PLP, used decisions handed down by courts around the world to confirm that the office cannot be tampered with so easily. Sears also explained the procedure for the removal of a commissioner and charged that the Ingraham government bearing the facts, has UNCONSTITUTIONALLY removed two past commissioners of police.

Bahamas Press accepts that Ingraham clearly knows no better or simply does not respect the laws of the Bahamas. And now with this new bill, he is attempting to tamper with the Constitution of the Bahamas! THIS SPEAKS VOLUMES OF THE MAN WE LIKEN TO MUGABE!

There is no telling what MUGABE WOULD DO to have his way in the country. First his government fired thousands of government workers (1,200 to be exact in 2007). According to reports have pressured to early retirement some 42 senior officers of the RBPF. Dismissed the high command officers of the Immigration department and of the Customs department, suggesting that his government intends to weed out corrupt element of the public service.

These are the same kind of actions a Robert Mugabe did in Zimbabwe, and now his twin brother Ingraham is trying to establish a similar record of LAWBREAKING here in the Bahamas.

The supreme LAW OF THE LAND is the constitution. It is a living and breathing document and NO ONE, not even Hubert Ingraham can have his way attempting to change constitutional positions to suit his corrupt intentions.

Bahamas Press rejects the idea of moving a commissioner of police for purely political purposes, and equally REJECTS the DISTASTEFUL ACTIONS OF INGRAHAM WHO IS CLEARLY IGNORANT OF THE LAWS OF THE BAHAMAS!

Ingraham if you want to go against the constitution of the Bahamas and fix limits on the commissioner of police follow the constitution of the country and call a referendum to do so, otherwise do the next best thing for all Bahamians, RESIGN AS PRIME MINISTER!


  1. It appears as if the prediction that the Carter fellow from the United States made about the PLP is coming through.He had predicated that the PLP would have problems after problems.

  2. Omar like Pleasant is an adult. I think it was Fred Mitchell who warned that the FNM was coming after some PLP’s , well boy he sure jink them because, it is clear that nobody but the people accused themselves are to blame for their folly, Fred got one part right, but placing the blame where he did, he got wrong. He need to stop blaming the FNM and look inside his own part, it look like it purging naturally.

  3. I agreed with you JR if the facts are that our brther Omar is found guilty of the offence then what ever the punishment is for the offence ,then let the chips fall where they may.Omar is very educated so he should have known better.

  4. Man I am tired of this garbage where we excuse bad behaviour because this one is my boy. If what I hear Omar did is true, then he needs to be subjected to whatever the law demands. You can’t solve a violent situation with more violence. What example is that setting for the nation? He says the boy was buying a gun, so how does assaulting him any less violent that what he could do with a gun? Omar is my boy but my boy wrong and this ain’t no plot against the PLP because the police didn’t make Omar beat his step son up. Call it what it is media, wrong is wrong. Stop the Violence.

  5. Omar where are you? your innocent and till proven guilty,your view is still needed on this site.This to will pass,hit us up and say hi to your regular readers.

  6. The Party affiliation of Mr. Archer matters not one bit. He was welcomed to this site with open arms and was encouraged by all to continue in his quest for election to the House. We did caution him to be respectful in his language on this site and elsewhere as it was obvious that his comments showed he had quite an explosive temperment. His public behaviour in the past and especially in the last few days indicates that he may have a more serious problem than he can handle without professional intervention. IF YOU ARE READING THIS OMAR, PLEASE SEEK HELP AND KNOW YOUR “BLOG fRIENDS” WISH YOU WELL.

  7. @ CALL IT AS I SEE IT – You may be dead on with your facts, because I did not “literally” mean, “Right away”. It was that the matters were dealt with rather quickly. But let’s see the same “swiftness”, be exercised with more serious matters of the court. You still haven’t gotten it…You’ll see…It’ll come home to you …

  8. LOU :“Call it as I see It”. Obviously, you are missing the point, as I have noticed on this site! You can call it what you like, but the point remains the same – two PLP’s just so happen to be charged for something and both were before the courts right away !!!! That is my point ! We gat so much cases backed right up in the system, a bunch of hard criminals out on bail causing ALL kinds of havoc…and you can’t see the point !!! Keep your head in the sand….maybe the camel will pass you by.

    Get your facts straight becaused your point is half true. Here are the facts and my point. Pleasent was arrested,held for 48 hours, charged by the Police and given bail.

    She was not formally arraigned before the courts until 28th Jan, one week later. Therefore, it is incorrect to state that she was brought before the court right away!

    I do not think Omar wanted to be held for 48 hours for what he did.
    You just can’t please people. If he was held for 48 hours, you would be all over this site saying how the Police did not have to hold him that long and how they are out to get the P.L.P.

    Omar has not learnt a thing, while handcuffed and being escorted by the Police, he was still throwing remarks about Tommy Turnquest. The man needs serious professional help. Please try and help him!

    If my head is in the sand, I like it there, because so far the media reception down there is good, I have not missed a thing!

  9. “Call it as I see It”. Obviously, you are missing the point, as I have noticed you do a lot on this site! You can call it what you like, but the point remains the same – two PLP’s just so happen to be charged for somethings and both were before the courts almost right away – and high profiled!!!! That is my point ! We gat so much more serious cases backed right up in the legal system, a bunch of hard criminals out on bail causing ALL kinds of havoc…and you can’t see the point !!! WE need those alleged armed robbers, rapists, child molesters and murders brought before the courts and dealt with right away, to maintain some sense of order in our beautiful Bahama Land ! Keep your head in the sand…. the camel will pass you by.

  10. @LOU
    You’ll really think the Bahamiam people stupid, that is why the P.L.P is the opposition today! You have not learnt a thing since May 2007.

    I have heard some asinine (foolish, unintelligent,stupid or silly) things in the past few weeks, but this one should get an award!
    The only agenda AGAINST the P.L.P is being PERPETRATED from within it’s own camp!(P.L.P’s backstabbing P.L.P’S)

    Omar is nothing but a bully with political ambitions and got what he deserved. I knew one day his vulgar mouth was going to get him into trouble. P.L.P’s should be happy this is happening, maybe the goats will be separated from the sheep by 2012 and some decent candidates MAY emerge from the P.L.P.

  11. I told you guys awhile ago ! WATCH out for the police and their Gestapo actions! And if you look clearly, you can see that they DOO….I mean DOOO, have an agenda against the PLP! When last have you heard an individual hurled before the courts for foul Language !!!! My lord, they can come better than that. Those young thugs out there curse the police regulary ! Bridgewater…now Omar ! It’s too sinister ! You can’t get a murder case tried, or armned robbery – but they can bring Bridgewater and now Omar to court in a matter of days…think about it !

  12. Let them come Jr. LET THEM COME! When they come for us, we want them to be reminded the torture chambers in Cuba are still open. WE DON”T PLAY!

    The case where they attempted to killed OMAR last year cannot come to trial. The case has been delayed twice! And the attempted murder was given bail just days after firing shots on OMAR and almost ending his life. We advise the government that it is their duty to protect its citizens, NOT put them in harms way! In this regard they have failed! YET AGAIN!

    Bahamas Press wonders why would such simple charges be cropped up on someone who was almost murdered by another they let FREE! And what did they arrest OMAR for? Resisting arrest, foul Language and assaulting someone. MAN LOOK, INGRAHAM COULD BE CHARGED FOR THAT ON A DAILY BASIS! BUT NO, Omar was before a judge within hours. LORD HELP THIS NATION FROM DECENDING INTO UTTER CHAOS!

    The Gestapo Police has gone in overdrive on this one!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  13. Boy the FNM sending their starting five on BP to throw some roadblocks here. BP, you need to debate these fools and let the rest of us get on with the important stuff, like why homeboy was in the lock up. who did he assault and do you think he’s coming back on BP to give his side of it or has he come to the conclusion that his political dreams are now over just like that other boy in freeport?

  14. Call it as I see it.It appears as if you were in Bank Lane today.Only HOME BOY you saw.

  15. Wow where is the link, I do not see it?

    Watch the news at 7 p.m homeboy actually got some air time!

  16. I hope somebody took pictures !!! They won’t lie!!! The truth IS…that the police are behaving just like “Gestapos” ! Just check the facts regarding the “incidents ” in Baintown !

  17. Charged and released on $2,000.00 bail.


  18. call it as I see it :
    I am also hearing it is the same person. Being held at the South Beach Police Station. I am also hearing it is a fact!

    Story is confirmed. He has been charged before the courts with assault, disorderly behavior, and obscene language if I’m not mistaken.

  19. LOU :
    Did anyone hear the News this morning about the Police (Gestapo) incident in the Kemp Road area? Like I kept on saying – our Police Force (Service) is now engaging in “Gestapo” type actions! It is sad to see the the so called “law enforcers” go beyond what is lawful! They can arrest someone for “asking what is happening” during a raid or arrest ??? My lord, that is an outright abuse of “freedom of speech” period! Six officers (male) can throw a female to the ground, put a gun in her face for asking why someone is being arrested ?? Heaven help us ALL !!! I am sure they (the Gestapo) do not want to “sow” this type of seed ??!!!

    There are always 3 sides to every story. In this case, The Police, Kemp Road residents, and the truth.

  20. Did anyone hear the News this morning about the Police (Gestapo) incident in the Kemp Road area? Like I kept on saying – our Police Force (Service) is now engaging in “Gestapo” type actions! It is sad to see the the so called “law enforcers” go beyond what is lawful! They can arrest someone for “asking what is happening” during a raid or arrest ??? My lord, that is an outright abuse of “freedom of speech” period! Six officers (male) can throw a female to the ground, put a gun in her face for asking why someone is being arrested ?? Heaven help us ALL !!! I am sure they (the Gestapo) do not want to “sow” this type of seed ??!!!

  21. It is ok for every Tom, Dick and Harry to give others their opinions regarding the tenure of the C.O.P. But this time, the evidence of this argument lies right here on the internet in black and white.

    Can one of you guys who are so sure that there is a breach of the constitution, please direct me to that article and chapter of the constitution that says the same. I have the link, please refer me to that overwhelming evidence.


  22. I am also hearing it is the same person. Being held at the South Beach Police Station. I am also hearing it is a fact!

  23. CALL IT AS I SEE IT.Is this the same young man who was taken off the show or some one else.I didn’t call any name.

  24. Well Andy as you know your BP has grown to be the #1 REAL NEWS source in the country. We invite you and others to also join our facebook page and share news, announcements and UPDATES happening in your world.

    We’ve learned from our sources deep in the Bamboo Shack organization, that the restaurant chain on Nassau Street is being rebuilt to suit the standards of the organization. Bamboo Shack as you know has several locations and therefore the workers of that location have been relocated to other branches.

    A sad part to this reconstruction exercise however is that temporary workers throughout the organization are now placed on notice. Those persons are now on 3 day work shifts and are only on call when full-time workers fail to show up at work.

    This however is just not a BIG story, but we are glad to inform you about upgrades schedule at that location.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  25. I heard on a talk show today that a man who was on the Bodie show this week was arrested today for assault, please say it ain so??????

    Please tell me my ears were fooling me!!

  26. Good day to BP regular reader,can some one tell me what happen to the Bamboo shack on Nassau Street?Can any one tell me and the other members of the public what happen to this store? I went there yesterday to find the building totllay destroyed.I had no knowledge of this taking place.If Bamboo shack wanted the members of the public to be informed of the work been done they should have place that information on this site BP.If this had fail then that announcement should have been announce on REAL TALK with Ortland H Bodie Jr. the number #1 talk show and BP the number #1 web site in the world.Keep the good work up BP and Mr Bodie the world appreciates you both. This goes out to the rest of the business world,keep the public informed.If this ordeal had happen to any of BP ONE MILLION readers let the public know.

  27. Bahamas Press understands the seriousness of this CONSISTENT Breach of Constitutional Trust within the Ingraham FNM government. This current bill (THE POLICE ACT) is UNCONSTITUTIONAL in its elements to limit the tenure of the Commissioner of Police!

    No individual can wake up in the morning and say he will limit the term of the Commissioner. NO ONE has that right alone. NOT THE COURTS, NOT THE FNM, NOT THE PLP NOR MUGABE (HUBERT INGRAHAM). Only a Referendum can make that change happen and the constitution is clear on that!

    The office, not the individual, BUT THE OFFICE is at question here. And the Prime Minister is just waking up with his RUDE behaviour once again attempting to change LAW, when he doesn’t KNOW THE SUPREME LAW of this Bahamas.

    The Constitution, NOT INGRAHAM protects that independence and tenure of the Commissioner here, and when a PRIME MINISTER attempts to BREAK THE HIGHEST LAW OF THIS LAND, then we are quickly becoming a NATION of LAWLESSNESS!

    Bahamas Press is consistent with its rebukes to the actions of Hubert Ingraham when it comes to matters such as these and once again we call on ALL BAHAMIANS to do the same whether its is done by a PLP or FNM government. The Constitution protects us all from people like the Ingrahams of this world, and we should not sit idle and allow his BRUTISH ATTACK ON OUR DEMOCRAY TO CONTINUE. For when we do so, we are inviting EVIL MEN TO CREAP IN UNAWARE!

    It was Ingraham who saw a member of his Cabinet conduct a Local Government election last year. That election was carried out without proper NOTICE being given in the various constituencies on the family islands. This is equal to a GENERAL ELECTIONS being held in this country and no one knowing it took place. THAT IS WHAT INGRAHAM DID LAST YEAR. And that is why when the court ruled that the elections were not valid, COLLIE HAD TO RESIGN!

    It was Hubert Ingraham’s FNM government who appointed an ILLEGAL member of the Senate in 2007, AGAINST the LAW as ascribed in the constitution on the appointment of senators. The court ruled AGAIN in 2008, that action by Ingraham was illegal and therefore the Sen. Musgrove had to resign!

    We in the Bahamas have short memory. Too short memory! We must wakeup and accept something is wrong with LEADERSHIP IN THIS COUNTRY!

    When a government can suggest that the 2007 election process was fair, even though the court threw out scores of illegal ballots. Even after the Christie’s boundary commission reported outside the timetables of the constitution (LATE AGAIN!). Errol Bethel told Christie he had time to issue voters cards, but knew Christie did not give him enough time. Then we the people must began to examine our democracy and calling for a CHANGE in the players! We all know something is wrong with the minds of the men like INGRAHAM AND CHRISTE. How can any of them conclude by saying process is fine and nothing is wrong?

    We know taking all these incidents into account, that MUGABE will go at any length to destroy the very institutions which are constitutionally entrenched to protect LAW AND ORDER!

    No one can deny, Ingraham’s bullish actions has declined free speech, drilled fear and hampered opinions on his actions in this country. THANK GOD from someone like Alfred Sears who has the aptitude to interpret law and stand against OPPRESSION AND WICKEDNESS now being perpetrated Ingraham! We definitely need more like him.

    And here is another twist to all this, Orville Turnquest was also around the table at our constitution talks. AND SO WE ASK, WHEN would the WUTLESS media get an opinion on this matter from him? THEY WILL NOT TALK TO HIM AND WHY? Because they’re WUTLESS MEDIA!

    Bahamas Press

  28. Thomas Finley :

    john :
    I am very concerned when a COP, in the performance of his duties has to be worrying about whether, if he or she takes a particular course of action his/her contract may be terminated. In the current system the COP can only be removed for cause; i.e. wrong-doing and this is determined by a tribunal appointed by the GG. At least there are some safeguards. Under a contract, there are none.
    We need to bear in mind that this little maneouver may solve a problem that the PM has today, but we will have to live with the consequences.
    Suppose some public minded citizen takes the matter to court? For the duration of the hearing we have more uncertainty and chaos on the RBPF.

    To take a matter to Court you must have standing to do so.The Court does not have time to waste. Whatever The Court decides is the law on the matter unless and until it is overruled, etc. How is taking something to Court going to cause chaos in the RBPF? Wow, grow up you overgrown child ( I am assuming that you are an adult).

    Thomas, you know what they say about assumption, “you make an a** out of you…… and umption.” (1996, Samuel L. Jackson, The Long Kiss Goodnight)

    You need to ease up with that “mightier than thou” attitude, that don’t play around here because just as you say I don’t know you, you don’t know me either. Also, why did you have to specifically “black dawg”? Trying to fit in hey?

  29. “FINLEY”? Do you have the the interest of this wonderfully, free country at heart or the devious agenda of the FNM ??

  30. john :
    I am very concerned when a COP, in the performance of his duties has to be worrying about whether, if he or she takes a particular course of action his/her contract may be terminated. In the current system the COP can only be removed for cause; i.e. wrong-doing and this is determined by a tribunal appointed by the GG. At least there are some safeguards. Under a contract, there are none.
    We need to bear in mind that this little maneouver may solve a problem that the PM has today, but we will have to live with the consequences.
    Suppose some public minded citizen takes the matter to court? For the duration of the hearing we have more uncertainty and chaos on the RBPF.

    To take a matter to Court you must have standing to do so.The Court does not have time to waste. Whatever The Court decides is the law on the matter unless and until it is overruled, etc. How is taking something to Court going to cause chaos in the RBPF? Wow, grow up you overgrown child ( I am assuming that you are an adult).

  31. Thomas Finley :

    WOW! :
    Finley is the typical FNM apologist. The issue here isn’t whether the Commissioner should be subjected to term limits, it is whether this can be imposed by simply passing a law. It can’t as the position of Commissioner is enshrined in the constitution of the Bahamas. The only way to lawfully (and lawfully is the key word here) do so is by referendum and we all know that is a dirty word to HI.
    My question is this, since Sidney Collie is gone from the Cabinet, who will take the fall this time for yet another infraction against our constitution by this government?

    Again, a matter of Opinion. Someone once said that the Constitution does not discriminate against Bahamians even though if you read the relevant parts a person with natural sense will conclude that it does. The only way to know is for it to be tested by The Courts. Well, if you think that what the government is attempting to do is unconstitutional there is a process to make your case. I agree that a Contract may be terminated John, you are right, but so what? The Police have to dance now. Whoever controls the money has the power, let us not fool ourselves. It is not perfect, but nothing is…and Wow, please stop handling my name when you speak of the FNM.Do not mix me up. You don’t know me from a black dawg…

    Thomas Finley of the FNM, if you don’t want me to handle your name with the FNM, Thomas Finley of the FNM, then stop carrying on like a FNM groupie, Thomas Finley of the FNM.

    (who the hell does he think he is?)

  32. I am very concerned when a COP, in the performance of his duties has to be worrying about whether, if he or she takes a particular course of action his/her contract may be terminated. In the current system the COP can only be removed for cause; i.e. wrong-doing and this is determined by a tribunal appointed by the GG. At least there are some safeguards. Under a contract, there are none.
    We need to bear in mind that this little maneouver may solve a problem that the PM has today, but we will have to live with the consequences.
    Suppose some public minded citizen takes the matter to court? For the duration of the hearing we have more uncertainty and chaos on the RBPF.

  33. Russell Johnson :
    I listened with interest to the debate yesterday and was asmazed that so many MPs do not understand that whoever is the COP must have security of tenure and not have to look forward to renewal of a contract on a five yearly basis.The examples of past COP Gerald Barlette are poor examples by Min Minnis as it shows just what could happen if the COP is not independent.Since this Govt loves to breach the Constitution they must be willing to pay if they refuse to give those Officers who they forced to retire b4 they obtained the age of 60 or 40 to be eligible for 2/3 pension rather than 1/2 pension.We in this country need a strong COP who will not cower under any blistering attack from any Govt.Security of tenure guarantees this.Since the FNM Govt does not want anyone to serve longer than ten years but at 5 year interim why not let one of the forced retired Asst Comm take the post until one of the young Turks is ready in their view.

    The COP has a lot of unelected power. He must be subject to the popular will of the people. If we need to make the Office a Political one then so be it, I have no objection. The PM is responsible for security and the good governance of The Bahamas, not the COP. No one blames the Police for the Nation’s ills; they blame the government of the day…

  34. I listened with interest to the debate yesterday and was asmazed that so many MPs do not understand that whoever is the COP must have security of tenure and not have to look forward to renewal of a contract on a five yearly basis.The examples of past COP Gerald Barlette are poor examples by Min Minnis as it shows just what could happen if the COP is not independent.Since this Govt loves to breach the Constitution they must be willing to pay if they refuse to give those Officers who they forced to retire b4 they obtained the age of 60 or 40 to be eligible for 2/3 pension rather than 1/2 pension.We in this country need a strong COP who will not cower under any blistering attack from any Govt.Security of tenure guarantees this.Since the FNM Govt does not want anyone to serve longer than ten years but at 5 year interim why not let one of the forced retired Asst Comm take the post until one of the young Turks is ready in their view.

  35. WOW! :
    Finley is the typical FNM apologist. The issue here isn’t whether the Commissioner should be subjected to term limits, it is whether this can be imposed by simply passing a law. It can’t as the position of Commissioner is enshrined in the constitution of the Bahamas. The only way to lawfully (and lawfully is the key word here) do so is by referendum and we all know that is a dirty word to HI.
    My question is this, since Sidney Collie is gone from the Cabinet, who will take the fall this time for yet another infraction against our constitution by this government?

    Again, a matter of Opinion. Someone once said that the Constitution does not discriminate against Bahamians even though if you read the relevant parts a person with natural sense will conclude that it does. The only way to know is for it to be tested by The Courts. Well, if you think that what the government is attempting to do is unconstitutional there is a process to make your case. I agree that a Contract may be terminated John, you are right, but so what? The Police have to dance now. Whoever controls the money has the power, let us not fool ourselves. It is not perfect, but nothing is…and Wow, please stop handling my name when you speak of the FNM.Do not mix me up. You don’t know me from a black dawg…

  36. Finley is the typical FNM apologist. The issue here isn’t whether the Commissioner should be subjected to term limits, it is whether this can be imposed by simply passing a law. It can’t as the position of Commissioner is enshrined in the constitution of the Bahamas. The only way to lawfully (and lawfully is the key word here) do so is by referendum and we all know that is a dirty word to HI.

    My question is this, since Sidney Collie is gone from the Cabinet, who will take the fall this time for yet another infraction against our constitution by this government?

  37. Finley, a contract can be terminated at any time. The government simply has to pay out the contract. A five year contract can be paid out after six months or sooner if the commissioner is not dancing to the government’s tune.

  38. Thomas – but all decisions have to be consistent with the constitution, if you want it changed, then there should be a referendum

  39. There is a difference of opinion here: not even Judges have Security of Tenure, even though we like to think that they do; They have to go at a certain age. People who sound smart are not necessarily smart. A Police Commissioner will have Security of Tenure during the term of his appointment. Anyone who thinks that a Police Commissioner should stay there until he reaches the retirement age, against the popular will of the people through their elected government, is an arse!

  40. Finally a decent commentary around here. I have been impressed with Sears as well. He is certainly an academic. Does he have what it takes to be leader of the PLP AND win a general election?

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