Tommy Turnquest, Minister of National Security an ABSOLUTE FAILURE along with the FNM! Wutless Tommy Tucker has not brought one solution to the vexing crime problem in 4 and a half years!
Breaking NEWS <<<
People are being slaughter all over the country and the OUTGOING FNM GOVERNMENT has fallen asleep and is in a comatose state when it comes to finding solutions to the country’s number one problem; CRIME!
Bahamas Press is reporting murder # 264 since 2009. We can tell you a man was shot dead in the Cordeaux Ave and Key West Street area. Dead is Harry Knowles AKA ‘Boomskin’.
The is the second murder in the area in the last 24 hours and the second in two hours.
Just two hour earlier police on Grand Bahama opened a murder investigation into a double shooting that had left two men shot multiple times in the Garden Villas area of Freeport.
Community activist Troy Garvey expressed his concern with the slaying now taking place across the country. “This is not just criminality, this has to be a group of people who is tired of the real murderers keep getting off scot- free…NOT THAT IT’S RIGHT!”
The man shot was known to police and had recently been released from prison.
At present police are uncertain of the circumstances surrounding this recent killing and is seeking the assistance of the community.
The incident records the 264th murder since 2009 and the 78th murder in the capital for the year, with some 11 additional deaths still unclassified by police.
Officers of the Southeastern Division (East Street South) uncovered a quantity of ammunition from bushes off Baillou Hill Road. The officers reportedly uncovered the ammunition sometime around 5:10 pm on Thursday 21st July, 2011 from a bushy area on Newbold Street off Baillou Hill Road. No one was taken into custody. Active police investigations continue.
Officers of the Southwestern Division arrested a man after he was found in possession of a stolen vehicle. The 22 year old of Charles Vincent Street was arrested sometime around 1:14 am on Friday 22nd July, 2011 at Turtle Drive and Carmichael Road, after he was found in possession of a stolen burgundy Honda Accord. The vehicle was reported stolen, sometime during the early part of this month. Active police investigations continue.