Sections of Passport Office moved into the Town Centre Mall over the weekend…


BP BREAKING| NASSAU | We told you more than a week ago that the Minnis-led Cabinet had agreed to move a section of the Passport Office into the Town Centre Mall and as we reported over the weekend that section began moving furniture into Brent Symonette’s building.

In a sea of controversy, which has led to serious questions of conflict and scandal and the eventual resignation of former Cabinet Minister Symonette, no one knows what taxpayers are really paying in the lease arrangements at the Town Centre Mall.

The government gave a figure of some $900,000 per year back in late 2018, however, Brent Symonette told the national radio audience while confessing how he and PM Minnis discussed the details of the lease, that the figure for the General Post Office was less than that. He never mentioned anything about the Passport Office moving into his building.

It is still unclear what the leases drawn up by the Symonettes say we taxpayers are paying for the Mall’s use. In fact, we are still unsure what kind of space is being occupied. And, according to Mr. Symonette, we know the lease for the Post Office remains unsigned by the tenants as it is still in the Attorney General’s Office.

What is really happening here? Why the secrecy? Where is the transparency? When did payments on the Post Office begin? And what is this we are paying on cost for furniture supplied? And when will some kind of real accountability happen on this deal, branded as a “Scandalous CORRUPT Deal” to enrich a sitting Cabinet Minister?

A deal, which we know when Cabinet held discussions on, a sitting Cabinet Minister and the Prime Minister Hubert Minnis – were both privately [on the record] discussing the matter in detail!? And we cannot forget they are both in business together! [THEY ARE Business Partners].

Anyway, a section of the Passport Office moved into Town Centre Mall over the weekend and only Bahamas Press reveals this explosive secret of the Government! Oh Boy!

We report yinner decide!