Another near Fox Hill massacre almost repeated – this time in the Pond.

Nassau, Bahamas — Gunshots lick-off at a popular bar just at the foot of the new Sir Sidney Poitier Bridge around 1:50am this morning.
Bahamas Press has learned the incident began when a group of young boys beat the hell out of another as they drank into the morning hour.
Sources tell us, as blow after blow was landed on the young man by the group, the victim escaped his attack, rushed to the back trunk of his vehicle and returned like Rambo, locking his ammunition into the chamber.
Eyewitnesses tell us before you knew it the security officer at the club was shot by the man, as he moved his way into the bar to seek out his attackers.
BP can report after getting inside the club, the gunman then began firing round after round indiscriminately into the crowd of patrons as he sought out his attackers. By this time drinks, rum, bottles, cups and every two-foot man and woman was pissing in their pants, flat on the floor like a penny.
As the security guard lay on the ground suffering from his wounds, the men initiating the attack had jumped the fence and fled into the night; but before the gunman could get away, police had already circled the bar and ordered the gunman to the floor. He along with an accomplice were arrested at the scene.
Meanwhile, in the midst of all this action and terror, the female DJ was still spinning records. Boy, Nassau is one bloodless city.
BP hopes the gunman, who some say is a government employee, is charged with attempted murder and discharging a deadly weapon in the midst of a crowd.
But knowing how we dispense law in this town – he will most likely get bail and be in the bar next week.
Another near Fox Hill massacre almost repeated this time in the Pond.
We report yinner decide!