Senior Justice Anita Allen is Bahamas Press' HERO OF THE WEEK!


allen-j<<< Senior Justice Anita Allen, BP HERO OF THE WEEK!

Nassau, Bahamas: Senior Justice Anita Allen reignited our trust in the Bahamian judicial system this past week when she made a ruling calling out one of her follow justices as having a, “More than a friendly” relationship with a sister of an accountant appoint in a case before the Supreme Court.

Senior Justice John Lyons in her ruling was said to be having that more than friendly affair with the sister of that accountant, who is also a former track star. The sister was also on the staff of the court appointed accountant which charged $2.5 million in accounting fees in a matter before the court. Daniel Ferguson being that accountant, was not a qualified forensic accountant, which meant that his appointment was done clearly by of association. WHAT UTTER CORRUPTION!

This whole incident raises even more question. WHY HAS JUSTICE JOHN LYONS NOT REFUTED THE RULING OF JUSTICE ALLEN? And knowing that his “More than friendly” partner was also on the payroll of her brother, was Justice Lyons also to benefit from those payments to Ferguson? And with Justice Lyons silence over the matter now giving consent to the ruling, should he not step down from the High Court? We think it is OVER DUE!

Justice Lyons was the sitting Judge who in a ruling under the Christie administration threaten to withdraw his services if the government failed to review salaries paid to judges. The review of judges compensation had expired at the time.

All we say is this, in every system there are bad apples, but OHHHHHHH SENIOR JUSTICE Allen your a SHINING EXAMPLE OF WHAT A REAL CHIEF JUSTICE SHOULD BE! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! And we salute you, all 150,000 daily readers of this blog, as our HERO OF THE WEEK!


  1. Justice Allen is a woman of worth who is unquestionably qualified and deserves to be commended. The lord spoke to me and told me last year that He was about to raise up powerful women leader and doubtless to say she is one of them. I am a former supervisor of the central registry and I know her worth. I am Proud of her!!

  2. Media: JR sounds like he is the only expert on this subject. Larry has his opinion and is entitled to it. Since we are often known by the company we keep, JR has admitted to a rather intimate relationship with the woman in question. Let Justice Allen prove her allegation that Lyons has been intimately involved with the lady and that he used his relationship with her for his own illegal purposes. Too much speculation going on here. There is a path for Justice Allen to take and she must prove her allegations to her peers. We, who know nothing about the matter, must not contribute further to PURE gossip. When mud starts to be flung , it splatters over many innocent persons.

  3. Larry :
    I believe Allen did this for personal and professional reasons not for the futhering of justice in the country. In fact if she can’t find substantial evidence to substantiate her claim she can be sued for defamation of character. This is not to say that what she said is untrue and that Lyons is an upright man, but just that everybody is looking out for themselves and their personal pleasure and bank account in our judiciary; and that’s a real scary thing, especially if you ever need to use the courts to settle some dispute which is inevitable, if live and interact with people and do business.

    Larry, you really shouldn’t try to get in on something you clearly have not been following. Lyons juicing that old skank and he was using her brother in a case involving plenty money on the bill. Who’s to say that part of the deal of putting home boy on the job wasn’t for Lyons to get a cut of the money? Thats what these kinds of conflicts cause. Questions just like that and it is a legitimate question. Now, to the skank. Media, i can tell you that with my own eyes, I’ve seen this dutty gal dealing with some darkness and other people’s husbands on a regular basis. I don’t know if she still has the condo on Delaporte but plenty interesting people were making the regular visit and staying overnight with that one, including one former governor of the Central Bank and now one of Hubert’s main butt lickers. I know this because I was introduced to him by the skank. If she was that brazen then, then I have no doubt she could be up to some shady stuff with Lyon the brown sugar lover.

  4. media :@LarryLarry you know how you sound to us? You sound like Hubert Ingraham when after his department moved CLICO BAHAMAS into liquidation, turned around and suggested that the company will be looking for a buyer. WELL FOR A LAWYER TO SAY SUCH A THING WOULD MEAN, HUBERT IS THE DUMBEST LAWYER OF THE 1,000 called to the Bahamas Bar. The man doesn’t know the role of a liquidator, MY WORD!
    The ruling by the sitting SENIOR Justice Allen was the results after a fact finding mission by her court. What she did was to examine is what was FACTUALLY PRESENTED TO HER! And She reported those finding in her ruling.
    1) Justice Lyons did indeed appoint, in a heavy handed way, an accountant to work on behalf of the court.
    2) That accountant was the sister of a woman her had a “More than Friendly” relationship with.
    3) That the accountant was NOT an forensic accountant! Therefore he was NOT qualified to do the Job.
    4) The accountant was paid $2.5 million knowing that the “More than Friendly” friend was also on the payroll.
    Now these were the facts discovered in the case. How can one conclude prejudice by Justice Allen in this matter is JUST IGNORANT OF THE LAW, AND HIS VOID OF THE CONTEXT OF HER FINDINGS. JUST LIKE HUBERT IS ON THE ROLE OF A LIQUIDATOR!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Your comparison is weak, incomprehensible and only worthy of someone with diarrhea who used their brains to wipe their bungie crack with

  5. @Larry
    Larry you know how you sound to us? You sound like Hubert Ingraham when after his department moved CLICO BAHAMAS into liquidation, turned around and suggested that the company will be looking for a buyer. WELL FOR A LAWYER TO SAY SUCH A THING WOULD MEAN, HUBERT IS THE DUMBEST LAWYER OF THE 1,000 called to the Bahamas Bar. The man doesn’t know the role of a liquidator, MY WORD!

    The ruling by the sitting SENIOR Justice Allen was the results after a fact finding mission by her court. What she did was to examine is what was FACTUALLY PRESENTED TO HER! And She reported those finding in her ruling.

    1) Justice Lyons did indeed appoint, in a heavy handed way, an accountant to work on behalf of the court.

    2) That accountant was the sister of a woman her had a “More than Friendly” relationship with.

    3) That the accountant was NOT an forensic accountant! Therefore he was NOT qualified to do the Job.

    4) The accountant was paid $2.5 million knowing that the “More than Friendly” friend was also on the payroll.

    Now these were the facts discovered in the case. How can one conclude prejudice by Justice Allen in this matter is JUST IGNORANT OF THE LAW, AND HIS VOID OF THE CONTEXT OF HER FINDINGS. JUST LIKE HUBERT IS ON THE ROLE OF A LIQUIDATOR!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. @KK
    What is more than meets the eye? Justice Allen ruled on a matter and delivered her findings. There is NO evidence to suggest otherwise to her ruling. There is NO FACT to suggest what you are trying to conclude. The only thing that meets the eye is that an INVESTIGATION MUST NOW BE DONE, to follow the money trail! And GOD help Lyons if something leads to him.

    Justice Allens in her ruling concludes that LYONS compromised his office. And the constitution has provisions for such breaches! THAT’s IT!

    We would say this however, and this is what we would say more than meets the ruling is this, WHY HAS LYONS NOT RESPONDED TO SUCH A DANGEROUS CHARGE AGAINST HIS INTEGRITY?

    Bahamas Press/editor

  7. I believe Allen did this for personal and professional reasons not for the futhering of justice in the country. In fact if she can’t find substantial evidence to substantiate her claim she can be sued for defamation of character. This is not to say that what she said is untrue and that Lyons is an upright man, but just that everybody is looking out for themselves and their personal pleasure and bank account in our judiciary; and that’s a real scary thing, especially if you ever need to use the courts to settle some dispute which is inevitable, if live and interact with people and do business.

  8. Mind you, I am not saying I agree with what Justice Lyons did. I do feel it should be properly investigated and if it is true then he should step down. All i’m saying is that there is more than meets the eye here. If this had come from another Judge’s ruling then I would be quicker to digest it, but because there is presently a competition going on between these two Judges, I am taking it on board with a grain of salt.

  9. @Russell Johnson
    Also if I might add Johnson, if KK is not Justice Lyons himself, why would Justice Allen attack Lyons in this way for the position as Chief Justice when Justice Burton Hall is younger than them both.

    I mean sometimes I find these deflective arguments as SO juvenile and IMMATURE to the knowledge of the courts and its leaders. Why would Justice Allen go to such lengths when she will retire before Hall is due to retire?

    But you know we get these kinds of silly reasoning when a person is all about SPINNING INFORMATION rather that accepting TRUTH! Sounds like a TOILET PAPER OPERATIVE TO ME. OR Another member of the WUTLESS MEDIA in this country.

    We at Bahamas Press are calling for the High Court to follow the money paid to Daniel Ferguson, the accountant in this matter. And LET’s SEE who got PAID!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. KK: I would feel that this was more credible if it wasn’t for the fact that both Anita and John are fighting for the position of Chief Justice which is to become vacant soon.

    There is no excuse for the manner in which the learned Judge conducted himself.The Court recoed was introduced and it substantiated the position that the Madam Judge took.I would hate for you KK to be on a jury where credible evidence was introduced but due to the ramblings of a Defence Attorney you forget the evidence and focus on what Defence says.Since the learned Judge is an honorable man he is going to do the right thing.Hopefully a new day has dawned in the Bahamas where whistle blowers are heroes and not ostracised. Right is still right and not wrong as mopst persons in this country like to believe if it does not fit their leanings.

  11. BP, I concur 100% Life is just a cycle and what goes around comes around! Let’s hope he does the right and honourable thing and steps down!

  12. While I do know there is some corruption in the court system, I would feel that this was more credible if it wasn’t for the fact that both Anita and John are fighting for the position of Chief Justice which is to become vacant soon. Rumor is that John may have been to one to get it.

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