Nassau – A Cabinet Minister is calling for a new culture deep inside his Ministry.
WORKS Minister Desmond Bannister has called for a fundamental shift in the culture at Ministry of Works and its auxiliary offices, saying the agency has not had the best reputation over the years.
He said, “Bad practices need to be eliminated” as it can no longer be business as usual at the Ministry.
Bahamas Press has been examining the department where serious endemic structures of corruption exist. You would remember Bannister played into these elements of “bad practices” when he hired his daughter as his personal secretary.
But there are some even more egregious acts now unfolding in the Ministry. There is a senior government officer is known as the ‘Drunken Master’ deep inside Works. Hitting hard liquor in the morning – every morning – is this public servant who was recently transferred into the department.
Contractors will tell you, while everyone is looking for grits and tuna for breakfast, the shameless senior officer comes to work begging for favours to buy hard rum across the street from the 700 store. Without shame, while many staff drink tea, this officer of bad practices sips on the hard rub before reporting to the Minister. And this is no surprise cause the Minister is also fully aware of the Drunken Master’s weaknesses.
Additionally, if Minister Bannister really wants to lift the standards of Works perhaps he may want to reconsider his hiring of a “convicted criminal” in the department to police decent contractors in WORKS! You cannot have it both ways.
Bahamas Press agrees with Minister Bannister, but perhaps he just might have some success in this programme if he himself starts operating by example.
We report yinner decide!