Serious Boat Accident in Barraterre Exuma this morning


Live photos of a boating accident in Barraterre Exuma this morning.

Exumas and Ragged Island MP
Exuma – Currently, George Town Hospital is in triage mode and air evacuations have begun after a very serious boating accident in waters near Barraterre this morning.

So far we know that 12 people, 10 visitors believed to be Americans, and two Bahamians were on board a tour boat in the Cays around 10 a.m. when an explosion occurred and was engulfed in flames.

Many among them are injured, some of them very seriously. Medical ambulances to New Providence have been mobilized and tourism and health officials are managing the situation with the victims as best as possible.

At the hospital in George Town, I am working with officials to help facilitate affairs in the aftermath of the accident.

There may be a need for those who have family in Nassau to give blood for the injured.

Those of you who are unable to assist, please keep the victims in your prayers.

My family and I will do the same.


  1. Please help a family of 4 involved in this horrific accident. Enjoying time together, this beautiful familes lives have been shattered. Two of them a mother and daughter are fighting for their lives, a 13 year old witnessed the horrific injuries to her mother and sister and a husband and step father is trying to hold the family together. They are away from family and friends in a foreign country. These are good, loving, hard working, beautiful people and your prayers are greatly appreciated. Please help if you can, this accident has changed their lives forever.

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