Seven Government MPs failed to show up in Parliament to support the Speaker!


In the end some 11 MPs either voted no, failed to vote or abstained in the vote of Confidence in Speaker Moultrie…

Hon. Halson Moultrie – Speaker

Nassau – House Speaker Halson Moultrie returned to his chair as Speaker after Governing MPs supported an amended motion to have him returned as Speaker.

The motion of No Confidence moved in the Parliament by Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis began this morning in the Parliament. Englerston MP Glenys Hanna Martin, Exuma and Ragged Island MP Chester Cooper and South and Central Andros MP Picewell Forbes all supported the Motion of No Confidence.

But what was shocking was the fact that although the Whip was ON and all Members of the Government asked to support Speaker Moultrie, Tall Pines MP abstained and some seven additional Government MP all failed to show up for the vote in the Parliament.

In the end some Twenty-six MPs supported the Government’s affirmation of confidence in the Speaker, four PLPs voted no, and again, seven were absent and one abstained from the vote.

The Speaker said he was sorry for how things escalated and persons hurt was not intended. “All is forgiven” The Speaker added.

The Opposition issued a statement following the vote which read:

“We are as a party very proud of the fantastic four PLP MPs in their David and Goliath fight to remove the Speaker. No matter the vote and the Math, right trumps might. Truth always outs in the end. The Speaker stands condemned. The FNM government stands condemned. No fuzzy, crooked Parliamentary device can change that fact.” The Party congratulated the Leader Davis and team.

In our next article one GOVERNMENT MP told what really happened on Wednesday. That MP didn’t vote for Speaker Moultrie! This ga be something!

We report inner decide!