Seven hundred voters in Elizabeth cannot be found!


Hatian Flag

Have you ever wondered where the 102 Haitians released out of the Detention Centre by Hubert Ingraham went? They might be voting in Lizzy. A red truck in ‘Lizzy’ bearing a flag of the Republic of Haiti and The Free National Movement.

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press is appalled by the fact that the Parliamentary Commissioner, Errol Bethel, cannot find some 700 voters of Elizabeth. The Commissioner couldn’t find the people, but it was his department, which added the names to the list. THIS IS INCREDIBLE!

Following the May 2, 2007 general elections readers would remember in a written ruling of the election court challenge in the Pinewood constituency, Justices Anita Allen and Jon Isaacs cited that there areegregious failures’ in the electoral registration system in The Bahamas.

We were not surprise of the information coming out of the election court proceedings in the Pinewood challenge. The people of Elizabeth should remember how a Jamaican national, Manani Kijana Taylor, was recorded to have in his possession two voters cards. With all this, Bahamians must be concerned with their election process and the men who deal an evil hand corrupting it. Taylor buy orders of the Ingraham government were quickly shipped out of the country to avoid answering the court, just as they did with Andre Birbal.

Hubert Ingraham you would remember suspended the publishing of the registered list of voters to the public back in 1993 and has called for the removal of the use of indelible ink, a call that we found INTERESTING.

If persons are voting illegally with the ink, CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT THEY WOULD DO WITHOUT IT? However, here is the kicker, it was Ingraham’s FNM [before coming to power in 1991] who called for the use of indelible ink to be instituted during elections in The Bahamas. The FNM pushed for the INK during Pindling era as they then raised suspicion of corruption in the electoral process. BP will tell you PINDLING WAS NO SAINT!

However, now the same leadership of the FNM who called across the nation for TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY in government is echoing for a retreat. Ingraham NEVER CEASES TO AMAZE us, and we know why he might be having second thoughts about indelible ink.

Errol Bethel, the man at the centre of all this BLATANT CORRUPTION now unfolding in Elizabeth appears helpless. His department you should note was registering people in Elizabeth since June 2009. Long before a by election was called.

Why is Bethel not publishing all the names to the public? Why was some 777 persons [allowed to be added to the Elizabeth constituency, when no one knows where in the hell they live? BP smells a dead rat and a DOG on this one! Don’t you find it strange Ingraham number card is being played out here again?


Errol BethelNow we understand the FNM is quiet on all this. They claim they are playing fair. Nevertheless, we ask the leadership of the FNM, why were the money bag-men Sir Johnstone and Sir Durward seen in Lizzy?

It has been told to us police are being used by Tommy Turnquest to monitor closely operative of the PLP. Residents should note scores of harden criminals are fleeing Haiti for The Bahamas. And scores of other LAWLESS INDIVIDUALS are wreaking havoc in our country; yet police would find the time to monitor lawabiding individuals. This is incredible!

Desperate people do desperate things! Hubert Ingraham has put media in LOCK-DOWN in an attempt to win Elizabeth. He supports URCA the regulatory agency he established and most recently his extended hands in the Nassau Guardian have fired Oswald Brown for attacking him in the morning daily. Threats have been issued against talk show hosts Steve McKinney and Orthland Bodie.

Ingraham is getting desperate!



  1. Lol at freetinka. He been needed to be fired. I think he doin slick stuff for he buddy buddy dogface ingraham.

    And I have noticed that a lot of haitians are all about wit fnm flags. Hubert need to go. He selling us out to his hyshin cousins etc. Yawl know them hyshin is stick together.

  2. Errol Bethel need to be fired!

    Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!Errol Bethel need to be fired!

  3. This article is loaded with information that are factually incorrest, too numerous to list .  There is nothing to suggest that the persons added to the register since the last general elections cannot be found.  The problem is, if you lived in, say, an apartment during the last elections and have since moved out, there is nothing that requires you to notify the parliamentary registration department.  And if you don’t notify them, your name will still be on the register.  If you fall in this category and vote, you will have voted illegally.  I’m not suggesting that persons didn’t register fraudulently, because the whole process makes this easy to do.  But by and large the inability to find persons is due to the transiant residents who move in and out of apartments.  The whole process is a complete mess and needs to be addressed by the Parliament of the Bahamas through appropriate legislation.

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