Sharon Turner who fought hard to get rid of Dr. Hubert Minnis comes back to the stage saying Leadership is hard!


Leadership – Don’t Let The Good Ones Down

Sharon Turner
Sharon Turner

By Sharon Turner

Leadership is hard. Leadership pulls and tests and many times hurts in ways those not in that position can never understand. Leaders are put on unreasonable pedestals and then quickly torn down from them at the first sign of weakness or humanity. We all have our grand opinions about what a leader should be and do, but have no idea what being in that position really entails. We are all experts in leadership though most of us have never seen the calling or office, and do not want it unless we believe it will give us power we are not fit to have. If you have a TRULY good leader (not ‘good’ by our warped standards of ‘what is in it for me’), fight for him or her the way he or she fights for you. One of the reasons we have so many bad leaders is we keep letting the good ones down, and we let them get consumed either by our own personal issues or by the system. The bad leaders stick around and keep getting to the top because they are part of the system and their lust for power won’t let them let go. If we keep blocking and failing the good ones, we will only be left and stuck with the bad ones.

Most people in leadership positions today, whether in or outside of politics, are not fit to be there and have been given that position for reasons that have nothing to do with the betterment of society or respective organizations and agencies. Real leaders are what we need and we can have them if only we are willing to actually recognize them, value them and demand to have them. It is extremely rare to encounter someone who is willing to act without requiring praise, glory, power, prestige or riches. And we see so much of the opposite that we don’t want to have faith that a genuine person can exist. But such people do exist, and if you should be honored enough to be a part of the calling on their life that helps to bring us all to a higher level of awareness and action – don’t ever take it for granted or leave them at the mercy of the still very potent powers that esteem corruption over justice, worship wrong over right and will fight to the death to protect their lifeline and reason for prominence – the status quo.

Sharon Turner