It is unbelievable that this PM who talks so much about what would happen if he saw evidence that any of his Ministers had a hand in the cookie jar has failed to fire Minister Vanderpool-Wallace.
It is also unbelievable that Minister Vanderpool-Wallace now claims that there was no contract with a company called “Destination Solutions.”
Both of these positions are amazing in view of the attached note from the Permanent Secretary at The Ministry of Tourism. In it she specifically refers to “the DSO Contract.”
Presumably this is what the Minister repeats this line of defense, he would do well to also look at the memorandum dated November 9 2011 from the Government’s US Attorneys which begins as follows:
“Per your request, we provide the following comments on the Development and Services Agreement between the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism (“BMOT”) and Destination Solutions 360, LLC dated October 21, 2011.” Once the Minister looks at this memorandum he should be reminded that the clear influence is that he, the Minister, had approved the contract even before the company was formed because the US Attorney advised that:
a) “based on a search of the Florida Secretary of State’s Corporations database, DS was not registered and/or incorporated in Florida until October 18, 2011, three days before DS signed the Agreement.”
b) “DS – the entity does not have any track record.”
This may help the Minster to remember that despite these realities, he had agreed to pay DS the sum of $291,000 before it did one single thing.