Should Minnis or Loretta be blamed for the WUTLESS state of the Opposition?


Former Deputy Leader Loretta Butler Turner greeting Hubert Minnis.

Nassau, Bahamas – FNMs must be ashamed of their poor Parliamentary record having opposed much of the work to advance the people.

Today the senate is meeting and the rebel senate represented by the opposition is functioning without a leader in place. Last month appointed Leader of the Opposition Business in the Upper House Branville McCartney, the once blue-eyed boy of the FNM in Bamboo Town, vacated his post after collecting his second cheque as a rebel senator.

The state of the opposition today – by just looking in the parliament – is proven to be confused, disjointed, discombobulated, disorganized, disorderly, separated and unconnected, to say the least.

Right now the opposition has no real leader in either chamber and one must wonder how could any group lead a country when its house is in the state of a Shantytown?

How could ya lead the Bahamas with such naked confusion abounding?

We report yinner decide!