Sir Arthur Foulkes will be sworn in as GG Wednesday Morning!


foulkes-b<<< This is how it will look come Wednesday when Sir Michael Barnett administers the oath of office for the country’s 8th Governor General. Seen here is Sir Arthur Foulkes and Barnett in a file photo at Government House.

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press can now confirm Sir Arthur Foulkes will take the oath of office and be appointed Her Majesty’s Official representative of these Commonwealth of islands on Wednesday 14th April, at 10AM.

Sources in the OPM confirmed the appointment only hours ago. BP has learned Sir Arthur’s first official function, as Governor General of The Bahamas will be to deliver the Speech from the Throne in Rawson Square minutes later.

Sir Michael Barnett will carry out the investiture of the new GG.janet-bostwick

The announcement and confirmation of Sir Arthur we are told has sent shock-waves throughout the FNM community as a huge contingent was hoping that the first woman in Parliament Janet Bostwick, a longtime freedom fight and advocate for women’s rights, would have ascended to Mount Fitzwilliam.

BP’s poll on the appointment also gathered a majority support for Bostwick who though is an FNM has wide national support throughout the country, particularly among a broad section of FNMs.

One party insider told BP, “We will not take this well and there shall be consequences for Ingraham with this appointment. Janet deserved this rise to the top of the country. She is a fighter for women first and carries an appeal across the political divide. Foulkes on the other hand is a known FNM apologist who is hated by many PLPs and who we all know was fired by Pindling totting news out of the first Majority Rule Cabinet. I guess this is why Hubert sending him to the hill.hubert_a

We need to stop this appointment of political cronies as Governor Generals. It is a drain on the public purse. For the record we’ve had Milo Butler, Gerald Cash, Henry Milton Taylor, Sir Clifford Darling, Sir Orville Turnquest, Dame Ivy Dumount, Arthur D. Hanna and come Wednesday Sir Arthur Foulkes. Most of these appointments were payback for political favours.

In less than 40 years we have had eight Governor Generals. Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad all have had fewer while they have been independent longer than the Bahamas. The drain on the public purse is unbearable. THIS MADNESS MUST STOP!



  1. BP, would someone please enroll BP, in Bahamian History 101, because he skip school from 1962 to the present date. When Sir Arthur Foulkes was laboring for Bahamian Freedom, Hon: Janet Bostwich, was not around fighting for Black Bahamians Rights. Sir Arthur Alexander Foulkes, was giving his all to the Bahamian people (Bahamas), which was and still is first love.

    Sir Foukles, should have been Governor General, right after Sir: Milo Butler, and before Sir Gerald Cash. I should know, because I grew up in his home with his nine children, and boy what a price we all paid because His Love for his country was greater. Next subject please. Alex Beckles

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