Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield, A WARRIOR FOR EVERY BAHAMIAN!


bs50acaxToday (Friday March 20th) Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield would have been 79 years old. Sir Cecil, the first leader of the Free National Movement died on Wednesday 9th May 1990, in a Miami hospital, where he had gone for cancer treatment. He was 60 years old.

When Cecil left us, the heart of this writer felt as if a part of me had died as well. Cecil was a LION. Like an Obama he inspired and CHALLENGED ANYONE who dared him. Cecil was NO FAKE! He was NO TRAITOR! HE WAS FOR THE YOUNG AND OLD. He drew to the party BLACK AND WHITE BAHAMIANS! More than anyone since his days he brought Bahamians together. To this writer, he was the last man standing when challenged by Pindling. He spoke his mind! And Ohhhhhhh what an orator he was. Boy, we miss him like a son misses his father.

We remember the day we got the news Cecil died, oh man from that day to this our prayers have been, “Lord send us another soldier like him.” We still pray that prayer.

In 1967, the Progressive Liberal Party came to power under the Wallace-Whitfield chairmanship. He masterminded the PLP’s win into government. Pindling then appointed him to the Cabinet.

Whitfield championed the new vision for Education in those early years of the national development. From one high school The Government High School, to an explosion of schools across the country. Many schools as minister were constructed in the Bahamas under his tenure as minister.

But he became disillusioned with the party and resigned his post in 1970 at the PLP convention. Those bold eagle eyes of Cecil saw what Bahamians did not see happening in the PLP until 1992.

His words will always be remembered in our hearts at Bahamas Press. Especially the words he said that faithful night when he resigned from the PLP, “Free at last! Free at last! My soul is dancing!” A few months later, a group he headed was expelled from the party and it formed the Free National Movement. It is in that context we SALUTE THIS GREAT BAHAMIAN SON! It is in this context we lift him high today! He was MY HERO!

And to join the fitting words of the late Sir Lynden Pindling as he described Cecil in death, “A National Hero of the First Order!”

To his wife Lady Naomi Wallace-Whitfield, we will always LOVE HIM!


  1. Ah, what a lovely article, how fantastic to read such beautiful words about my Dad. He was ‘Dad’ but he was my hero too. Thank you.

  2. Im sure I know you. Thanks for the great article.
    It is good to know Cecil is still loved and remembered.

  3. Hi Media I really don’t know much about Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield and Sir Milo Bulter, they were both before my time. I only heard my mom spoke good things about them and some things I learned in school, so I am very happy you have decided to feature Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield this week. I can’t wait for you to do Sir Milo. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of Sir Milo children and grandchildren and they were all nice people, so I can only imagine what he was like when he was alive.

  4. @Joe Blow

    Oh BOY JOE BLOW, you don’t know what you just gave me. GOLD! Now I can put it better in context. Whilst Hubert preserved some of the sound bits of Sir Cecil with the FNM, his political nemesis Christie did all he could to remove Pindling’s “Chariots of Fire” music from the PLP. Now you see what I mean when we call him a FAKE?

  5. Joe Blow I now know who you are ,,,but dont worry bcos even though I will continue to lock horns with you when necessary your secret.Your knowledge about some events was the key.Perhaps one day when you are out with the person who lives in South Beach (your good friend despite political differences) I will come and introduce myself.I enjoy the conversations with you as you are from the old school and wise.

  6. Media: “Lion in Winter” was a 1966 Broadway play that garnered great acclaim. A major movie was made in 1968 and the production won many awards. Sir Cecil, using the theme song at the rally, was perhaps rather dramatically giving those who were more discerning, a message about the political nuance, at that time. It would certainly not have been lost on Sir. Lyndon. To be a noteworthy politician, one must be a good actor and a bit of a “ham”. The plot of the movie was all about personality conflicts and shifting alliances in a dysfunctional family. The scenario takes place in the Christmas season in the year 1183. The three sons of King Henry II are all ploting to become the heir to the throne. The queen wants her oldest son. The king favours the youngest son. King Henry himself, says,”God I love being king” and is still like a lion who will have his way in all things. Might Sir Cecil have been giving a subliminal message that while he has a fundamental respect and even affection for Sir. Lyndon, he is well aware of his(LOP’s) weaknesses- one being that he wants his way and will brook no interferece or indeed criticism? The adage that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is something we all must heed and it is my belief that it was a subtle warning that Sir Cecil was giving to Sir Lyndon. Media: Perhaps the best persons to answer your question woud be to any of the dissident eight. Dr. Donaldson would be a good choice. Hope the above helps.

  7. I remember Sir cecil whom like Sir Lynden had his imperfections but who among us dont?A reflection of the 60s calls for a true history that could only be told by those who lived in that period.It is unfortunate that Sir Cecil and Sior Lynden fell out but we move on.Radicalism was the order of the day bcos the UBP Govt at the time was spiteful and vindictive so let Sturrup stop trying to redo history.It was Sir Cecil who helped galvanise over the hill and they remained loyal to him but remember now no one wanted the UBP to resurface so when Sir Cecil and the dissident eight joined with the UBP to form the FNM then over the hill became suspicious and did not support him at that time.Sir Cecil and Sir Lynden were tigjht despite political differences.Remember Sir Lynden attacking Sir Cecils detractors in the FNM who wanted him to step down bcos of his illness?Father Turnquest was a loyal supporter of Sir Cecil and am informed ….lets leave that there.

  8. And you would know what I mean when I say this angers me JOE. Go to the FNM’s website and what does that hijacked party has to say about THIS GIANT OF A MAN. We cannot afford ANYONE IN THIS COUNTRY TO FORGET HIM! Nor can we fail to remember him, even in death!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  9. @Joe Blow
    We Joe I could remember that day when Cecil died like yesterday. BOI that was something ech? I walked to a monument in the city and I cried like for an hour overlooking the harbour as if I was bidding farewell to him. His death shattered me.

    To this day I still visit his grave there in the Eastern Cemetery near the new bridge.

    We have a serious problem in this country you know JOE. One that caused the creation of this blog. NO WHERE IN THIS COUNTRY YOU HEAR THE REAL STORY OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS. You cannot find one of their audio speeches online. Not Sir Cecil nor Sir Lynden.

    And those two JOKERS/PUSSY CAT/TRAITORS called Christie and Ingraham has done everything to erase the GREAT AND NOBLE work those fighters have done. IT ANGERS ME TO MY SOUL!

    And so perhaps I am late in doing this, but I know what my mission will be now, that being to find as much material as I can find, and put it out there.

    Oh Joe you can help me on this, I don’t remember Sir Cecil coming to a rally platform with the song, “Lion in the Winter”? Do you know about that? Because if that is true, that opens another thing I would like to discuss.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  10. Media: What a wonderful article and so well written. I hope from time to time you will grace this site with similar tributes so that we will come to learn about all our heroes and to realize that it was not only one person who was instrumental in moving this country forward. It will always be that it takes the shared ideas and the hard work of many to make a country great. Thanks once again for the article!

  11. Media, I hope to see a similar reflection on Sir Lynden tomorrow when his 79th birthday reaches.

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