Sister and brother died tragically, eight days apart – Police must investigate!

David and Vanessa Alsaint

NASSAU| A family is mourning the loss of two siblings tonight as two young souls die tragically in days. 

BP believes police must look closer into both incidents as a brother and sister died tragically just eight days apart.

The first sibling to die was Venessa Alsaint, 36. Last week Tuesday (October 10th, 2023) she was a passenger in a vehicle with a male at 2 am in the morning, traveling east along Bernard Road in a gray Toyota RAV4 vehicle. The police report said the male driver lost control of the vehicle and crashed into a utility pole. Both were taken to the hospital. However, Vanessa sustained life-threatening injuries and she died later in the hospital. 

Fast forward to this morning (Wednesday 18th October 2023) when her brother David Alsaint, 34, according to police, was sitting in a vehicle around 2: 28 a.m. in the Marshall Road community when he was shot dead with a hail bullets.

Sources tell us David was hiding out in Harbour Island (Briland) after a failed attempt on his life a few weeks ago. He was known to police, however, we have no records that pull up his name in court or police records. WE WONDER IF THIS WAS HIS NEW NAME. WHAT KINDA DARKNESS IS THIS HAPPENING AROUND HERE? What is this?

So the sister dies in a freak accident around 2 a.m. and eight days later the brother is murdered around 2 a.m. (with him knowing people were trying to kill him and failed a few weeks earlier) and everyone hush-hush, quiet, making no connection between these siblings’ deaths, refuse to share their details or any history of the family. What kinda DARKNESS IS THIS IN THE BAHAMAS!?

We at Bahamas Press are on SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT TONIGHT! What is going on around here?

We ga report and let yinner decide!